Study for the São Paulo State Airports Expansion Plans

In April of 2019 IOS Partners, Inc. was contracted by the Departamento de Estradas de Rodagem of the São Paulo State Government and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to provide Specialized Consulting Services for Airport Expansion Studies in São Paulo State, Brazil.

In a bid to promote growth and development, introduce new technologies and optimize revenues, the São Paulo State Government wishes to attract private sector firms to take part in the development and operation of twenty-two (22) airports currently being operated by the Departamento Aeroviário do Estado de São Paulo (DAESP) in the State of São Paulo.

The main components of the consultancy are to carry out technical, economic and environmental feasibility studies, to develop strategies to prepare for private sector development, management and operation of airports and / or airport networks, and to support the São Paulo State Government during the bid process.

From April 2019 until July 2020, IOS and its local partners have worked in close collaboration with the São Paulo State Government to carry out the following tasks:

  • Task 1: Collection, tabulation, and analysis of data provided by DAESP
  • Task 2: Onsite data collection (at each airport) and standardization of operational processes
  • Task 3: Identification, categorization, characterization, and frequency of airport users
  • Task 4: Critical assessment of airport facilities, current operations and projects
  • Task 5: Air traffic demand projections
  • Task 6: Identification of problems and solutions to optimize airport resources
  • Task 7: Develop preliminary technical, economic and environmental feasibility studies for each airport from the perspective of a private operator
  • Task 8: Analysis of the role for each airport within a concessioned airport system, including the grouping of airports into different concession packages
  • Task 9: Redesigning of airport operations
  • Task 10: Evaluate environmental and land-use constraints
  • Task 11: Investment cost analysis
  • Task 12: Preparation of business plans for each airport group.
  • Task 13: Develop final technical, economic and environmental feasibility studies for each airport group
  • Task 14: Investor interface and support for the bidding process, including the preparation of bidding documents, concession agreements, and supporting technical documentation
  • Task 15: Preparation of a noise study for the Ribeirão Preto airport

As the study nears its end, the IOS Partners team is looking is assist the Departamento Aeroviário do Estado de São Paulo in ensuring that it is well-prepared and positioned to deal with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. IOS’s experience in conducting projections for periods of economic recovery will help to make sure that the results of the study remain up-to-date and relevant in today’s uncertain climate, thus assuring the future viability of the project.

IOS Partners is proud to have provided the needed assistance and support over the past year to ensure the State of São Paulo achieves its long-term economic airport infrastructure growth and development goals and we look forward to continuing the strong and collaborative relationship that we have with our colleagues in Brazil.

Picture of Sebastian Rossiter
Sebastian Rossiter
Project Manager at IOS Partners, Inc. Project manager with 6 years of experience coordinating development projects in various sectors across Latin America and Africa.

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