Implementation of Airport IT Modernization for the Office National des Aéroports (ONDA) in Morocco

The ONDA (Office National des Aéroports) conducted a study on information technology and modernization for eight airports in the Kingdom of Morocco. IOS outlined a roadmap for the update of the current systems to improve the conditions of passengers’ processes and air operations. The project is expected to last for three years and will grow 22 Moroccan airports.

The roadmap is divided into two parts:

  • Multi-platform Airport Operations System (SOAM)
  • Multi-platform Passenger Service System (SSPM)

The objectives for the first part of the project are 1. the optimization of the management of resources, allowing an increase in the number of operations without having to build any additional facilities and plan the growth. 2. To improve the reliability of data by simplifying procedures and increasing the quality of ONDA’s information as well as a simplification of flights data updated to all internal and external participants allowing a fast and efficient deployment of new applications which will ultimately increase the productivity and security of the stakeholders on the airport platform and improve passengers experience, and finally, user-friendly management of the information systems generating a significant decrease of the costs and a better information technology security.

The second part of the project aims to improve three main elements: the information of the passengers, the speed of passenger processing; and the passengers’ experience decreasing bottlenecks. In addition, it will help the safety and security of airport platforms and the use of resources optimization.

Both roadmaps are designed for implementation for several informatics systems (AODB, RMS, ESB, CUPPS, CUSS, etc.), which aims to improve and increase the management of passengers’ procedures, improve information access and share for the airports’ staff and improve the passengers’ experience.

Picture of José Manuel Pérez
José Manuel Pérez
Consulting Project Manager at IOS Partners, Inc.

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