Development of a Legal Cultural Development Framework in Malawi

IOS Partners was contracted by Malawi’s Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism to review, update, and redraft the existing cultural development legal framework in Malawi. This assignment is part of the Promoting Investment and Competitiveness in Tourism Sector (PICTS) Project financed by the African Development Bank (AfDB).

The Departments of Museums and Monuments, Arts and National Records, and Archives Services will engage the services of IOS Partners to review, update, and redraft the Monuments and Relics Act of 1990, the Arts and crafts Act of 1990, the Printed Publications Act of 1947, the National Archives Act of 1975, and the Museums Act of 1989 to incorporate cultural changes that have taken place within the sector in Malawi to align with emerging trends in cultural preservation, conservation, promotion, and sustainable development.

The project, expected to last 4 months in total, is divided into the following phases where IOS Partners is responsible for:

  • Reviewing and analyzing all relevant cultural development legislations in Malawi and the SADC region;
  • Reviewing and analyzing all relevant international conventions and protocols on culture ratified by Malawi;
  • Conducting an analysis of the identified legal and regulatory issues hindering the implementation of the Monuments and Relics Act of 1990, the Arts and Crafts Act of 1990, the Printed Publications Act of 1947, the National Archives Act of 1975 and the Museums Act of 1989;
  • Developing recommendations to address the identified legal and regulatory challenges; and
  • Providing the redrafted Monuments and Relics Act, the Arts and Crafts Act, the Printed Publications Act, the National Archives Act and the Museums Act.
Picture of Masa Cosic
Masa Cosic
Deputy Director, International Development at IOS Partners, Inc.

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