Economist/ Financial Specialist – Aviation Pacific Aviation Investment Project – Tuvalu

The main objective of this consultancy is to provide economic and aviation financial expertise and inputs contributing to an Options Paper to support the consideration of a new proposed airfield at Funafuti by Government of Tuvalu.

The detailed scope of services to be provided may include, but not limited to:

  1. Identify general financial and economic that influence aviation needs and market conditions relating to Tuvalu passenger and freight services.
  2. Conduct a high-level review of revenue and expenditure from existing scheduled air services and airport operations to establish assumptions that form the basis of the scale of operations that could be established. Consideration of regional sectors, airlines and aircraft types including Fiji, Kiribati, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Tonga will be important.
  3. Assess impact of new scheduled domestic service in review of ii above.
  4. Prepare a high-level cost estimate4 to development and establish a new airfield at Funafuti. The estimate shall include cost items, as a minimum, land development and civil/marine works; runway, taxiway and apron construction; Air Navigation Aids/AGL; Terminal Building, Air Traffic Control Tower, ARFF Building and other ancillary buildings required.
  5. Undertake financial modelling and economic assessment of the new airport options as well as the likely financial impacts that Government of Tuvalu should consider in budget forecasting and economic modelling for life cycle cost and 20 year investment rate of return or other suitable metric for sound financial assessment.
  6. Review and assess the economic risks associated with development of a new airfield in Tuvalu.
  7. Closely coordinate with the Airport/Aviation Specialist for the provision of timely advice, data and written submissions for incorporation into the Options Paper
  8. The inputs to the options paper is expected to consider:
  9. Practical understanding of the physical, operational and contextual environment of Tuvalu;
  10. Harmonisation of equipment with existing equipment, and/or with neighbouring countries;
  11. Information necessary to inform Government of Tuvalu in the planning and financing of proposed development.
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