PASO Project

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In March 2022, IOS Partners commenced a project working with the Pacific Aviation Investment Program (PAIP) and the Pacific Aviation Safety Office (PASO), funded by the World Bank, to develop a Regional Aviation Strategy (RAS) for the Pacific. This project is now underway and about halfway to completion.

Phase One of the project consists of the Development of the Draft Regional Aviation Strategy. This includes carrying out a literature review, conducting one-to-one consultations with Pacific Island States and other stakeholders to gather their views on the future of aviation within the Pacific, and drafting and refining the Regional Aviation Strategy.

During this phase, IOS Partners participated in the Regional Workshops with stakeholders, as well as the 6th Aviation Officials Meeting (AOM), 7th AOM, and the Second Regional Aviation Ministers Meeting (RAMM 2).

Phase Two of the project is the Launching of the Regional Aviation Strategy, which consists of conducting further one-to-one consultations, participating in another Regional Workshop, and the final production and design of the Regional Aviation Strategy document. This part of the project concludes with IOS’ participation in the Special Aviation Officials Meeting, where the final endorsement and approval of the RAS will be launched.

IOS Partners is enjoying working on our 6th project with PAIP and collaborating closely with PASO and we look forward to continuing to work with them in the future.

Picture of Ashley Hans-Barrientos
Ashley Hans-Barrientos
Project Manager at IOS Partners, Inc.