Under the auspices of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and with funding from the Government of the United Kingdom, IOS Partners completed in February of 2017 a technical assistance project with the Competition Agency of the Republic of Georgia focusing on building the necessary skills and knowledge for officials and case handlers to perform antitrust and merger investigations in line with best international practice. The IOS-led team reviewed the main economic and legal concepts in competition law enforcement in the context of the relevant EU case law and developed a formal classroom training curriculum covering a range of topics, including abuse of dominant position, competition law enforcement, merger control, cartel detection, and EU best practices. IOS Partners delivered training seminars for 15-20 participants, organized a study tour to the Czech Republic’s Competition Authority, and conducted a series of advocacy workshops to raise public awareness of the Agency’s role in support of market oriented reforms. The project activities received extensive coverage in the national media and were highly appreciated by the local competition policy stakeholders.