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Children in Pune India. Photo by Varun Kulkarni

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Establishment of an Electronic System for the National Single Window

Conducted an evaluation following the guidelines of MCA-Malawi Compact Evaluation Matrix and answering key questions relevant to specific evaluation criteria with a focus on five-key criteria, namely: relevance to the needs of Malawi’s economy; efficiency of the management of activities; effectiveness of both project implementation and results achieved; sustainability within the power sector; and best practices/lessons learnt.

Funded by: Millenium Challenge Corporation -Malawi

Establishment of an Electronic System for the National Single Window

Carried-out a feasibility study and undertook preparatory work for the establishment and operation of the National Single Window System in Malawi based on the existing decisions and policies of the Government of Malawi.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Cultural Development Programme Consultancy

Reviewed, updated, and redrafted the existing cultural development legal framework in Malawi and incorporated cultural changes that have taken place within the sector in order for Malawi to catch up with emerging trends in cultural preservation, conservation, promotion, and sustainable development.

Funded by: Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism

Establishment of an Electronic System for the National Single Window

IOS carried out a feasibility study and undertook the implementation of the National Single Window System (MNSW) in Malawi. The objective of these consultancy services was to carry out the preparatory work for the establishment and operation of the MNSW based on the existing decisions and policies of the Government of Malawi.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Consulting Services to Implement a Contracts Management and Procurement Tracking System for Roads Authority in Malawi

Design, Development and Implementation of Contracts Management and e-Procurements Tracking System.

Funded by: The Roads Authority

Enhancement of the Social Security System

Reassessed the existing social welfare and social security benefits, identified various issues on sustaining a viable financing structure, prepared a social policy framework in line with this sustainable financing model and existing budgetary constraints, and devised a new budgetary and public expenditure framework in line with existing cash and in-kind benefit entitlement

Funded by: Asian Development Bank also under Health & Social Services

Updating of Cargo Projection of the New Port in the Maldives

Assisted the production of a 20-year vision for the national maritime transport, and the strategy by which the vision can be achieved, by developing a Maritime Transport Master Plan (MTMP) for the Government in order to promote the economy and financial sustainability of the Maldives. (Asian Development Bank/PADECO Co., 2013)Provided technical assistance to the Government of Peru in the development of regulation for ports, roads, airports, and railway infrastructure with the objective to strengthen the regulatory capacity of OSITRAN as well as its ability to evaluate the profitability and capital costs for the main airport, ports, and railroad infrastructures; and minimize the information asymmetry between OSITRAN, the private transport operators, and concessionaires to improve OSITRAN’s monitoring and evaluation of the transport concessions’ economic and financial performance

Funded by: OSITRAN/World Bank Group

PPP Options for the Port of Malé Expansion

Conducted a feasibility study for the expansion and modernization of the Port of Malé, specifically assisting the government in determining a new location, selecting an appropriate PPP contract structure, recommending legislative and regulatory reforms to address gaps, assessing the private sector’s appetite, and improving throughput capacity

Funded by: Port Authority of Male/World Bank Group

Impact Evaluation and Quantitative Population-Based Surveys for USAID/Mali’s Feed the Future (FTF) Cereal Value Chain (CVC) Activity

Engaged on a multi-year activity as a prime contractor to conduct an evaluation of the USAID/Mali’s Feed the Future (FTF) Cereal Value Chain (CVC) Activity. The evaluation aimed to capture the value of USAID investments in Mali and assess the effectiveness of USAID’s value chain approach as a driver of inclusive economic development, allowing for more effective resource allocation and management decisions. IOS Partners designed and implemented quantitative surveys for over 5,500 households and collected qualitative data from key informants and focus groups. Conducted statistically representative population-based surveys, including baseline and mid-term data surveys for key FTF high-level indicators related to Household Economic Status, Women’s Empowerment, Hunger and Dietary Intake, as well as the resilience indicator ‘depth of poverty’ in the Zone of Influence. Introduced the OH methodology to CVC management and M&E staff. This novel approach generated outcomes information on target communities and various stakeholders that complemented CVC’s required indicators. The OH report (2016) provided CVC and USAID/Mali a potential “map” for corrective actions to enhance positive outcomes (foreseen or not) and to minimize negative outcomes

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Millennium Challenge Corporation Bamako Airport Performance Evaluation Contract

Assisted in a Performance Evaluation of MCC’s Compact activities related to the technical assistance and infrastructure improvements made to the Mali Bamako Airport, consisting of Airside & Landside Infrastructure, and Institutional Strengthening. Provided an Evaluability Assessment Report with recommendation to changes in the program logic, research questions, and proposed evaluation methodology

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Bamako-Sénou Airport and Industrial Park Project Assessment and Development Services Phase I

Assisted in the preparation of feasibility design studies for the proposed landside infrastructure improvements, including an assessment of existing conditions for preparation of the industrial park institutional framework.

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Bamako-Sénou Airport and Industrial Park Project Assessment and Development Services Phase II

Assisted MWH Americas in reviewing and understanding the findings from Phase I, preparing the institutional arrangements to manage the Industrial Park and further training and capacity building of the Malian authorities

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Tender for Support to Public Debt Management in Moldova Project

Increased the capacity of the Debt Management Department through improving the ability of the Department to provide the Ministry of Finance with comprehensive evaluations of the debt situation and to devise a reasonable proposal for improvement of the situation in the area of debt.

Funded by: Ministry of Finance of Republic of Moldova/Swedish Embassy/ASDI

Airline Expansion Plan Technical Assistance and Buy side Privatization Advisory Services

Led a detailed study of market potential and route development, business and financial planning, fleet planning, and maintenance and operations procedures; prepared organizational audit; evaluated investment opportunities; defined PPP structures; and, conducted an environmental impact assessment.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Strengthening Mongolia’s Financial Sector Development – including Central Bank Strengthening

Participated as a major sub-contractor to Arthur Anderson to develop a more competitive, stable, and broad-based financial system in Mongolia by increasing the efficiency of financial intermediation in the country. IOS was responsible for reviewing the existing structure and policies of the banking and financial sector and contributed to a comprehensive institutional reform matrix.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank

Montenegro Economic Reform Project

Assisted in the Montenegro Economic Reform Project by providing experts in the Banking and Payment Systems reform to facilitate economic growth and the institutional strengthening of key government institutions.

Funded by: Central Bank of Montenegro

Reorganization and Operational Reform of the Central Bank of Montenegro (CBM)

IOS’s Director of IT assisted in the development of a functional bank supervision capability, the reorganization and operational reform of the Central Bank of Montenegro (CBM) and technical assistance on the International Accounting Standards (IAS) accounting conversion.

Funded by: Central Bank of Montenegro

Pension System Administration Investment Project – Increasing Tax and Contribution Compliance

Participated as a subcontractor to Arthur Anderson. With the goal of increasing tax and contribution compliance, the IOS team designed extended business processes related to central registration of insured persons and taxpayers (legal and physical entities), while capturing all relevant information for effective and efficient tax and contribution collection, control and enforcement as well as capturing data needed for core functions of the extra budgetary funds (pension, health and unemployment).

Funded by: Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

Technical Assistance for Cold Storage of Palm Dates

Conducted a comprehensive study to identify the specific needs of and feasibility for date cold storage and associated postharvest handling infrastructure, including value-added product agro-processing facilities that would help reduce the losses in quantity and quality of dates in Morocco.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Technical Assistance Cold Chain Storage for Fisheries

Identified the specific needs of cold storage infrastructure and facilities to reduce losses in the fish catch and increased the added value in the fish chain in Morocco in order to boost the development of cold chain in the fishery sector with focus on coastal and artisanal fleet.

Funded by: Office National des Pêches/United States Trade and Development Agency

Final Evaluation of the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s (MCC) Morocco Project for Artisanal Fisheries

Conducted an evaluation of the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s (through the Millennium Challenge Account – MCA) Artisanal Fisheries Project to assess the relevancy, efficiency, performance, effects, impacts and durability of the Project. Our Team identified the strengths and weaknesses of the fishing sector, established the quality and cost of the improvements and developed recommendations for the Project optimization and sustainability.

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Monitoring and Evaluation Morocco Fisheries

Served as an Independent Evaluator for two activities under the Small-Scale Fisheries Project of the first Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) Compact in Morocco: The Fish Landing Sites and Port Facilities Activity and the Development of a Wholesale Fish Markets activity. The evaluation services covered review of the MCC Evaluation Plan, preparation of Evaluation Design, and collection and analysis of baseline data.

Funded by:

Modernization Study of the ONDA IT Airport Systems

Undertook a diagnostic of the existing systems available at ONDA (CUTE, BRS, SIA systems, etc.), proposed different scenarios of evolution of the systems and the appropriate contractual model, proposed new airport information management systems for operational needs that have an impact on the quality of service, and drafted the specifications of evolution of each system.

Funded by: Office National des Aéroports

Assistance to the Contracting Authority for the Implementation of Airport IT

The purpose of this assignment is to upgrade the current systems in place in charge of passengers and flight operations processing.

Funded by: Office National des Aéroports

Industrial Activity

Assisted MCC and the Government of Morocco in hiring transaction advisors that implemented potentially viable PPP projects, by providing reviews and recommendations of specific documents for the transaction advisor, in order to ensure that all key tasks were included and clearly described for the role necessary. IOS Partners identified major risks and proposed mitigants and made recommendations on how best to market the transaction advisor opportunity when launched by MCA-Morocco

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Assistance to the Contracting Authority for the Implementation of Airport IT

The purpose of this assignment is to upgrade the current systems in place in charge of passengers and flight operations processing.

Funded by: Office National des Aéroports

Reengineering of the Ministry of Privatization

Provided comprehensive technical assistance to support the privatization process in Morocco, including management support and transactional assistance to the Ministry of Privatization.

Funded by: World Bank Group / Privatization Committee of Morocco.

Study for the Establishment of Industrial Parks in Zambezia Province

Conducted a study for the establishment of industrial parks in Zambezia province, which included technical and economic feasibility studies, and a master plan for the selected site for implementation

Funded by: Government of Mozambique/Ministry of Industry and Commerce

Consultancy Services for the Feasibility Study for Nacala Airport City and an Industrial Zone

Lead a comprehensive feasibility study for the Nacala Airport City and its industrial zone by developing a high-level concept master plan for the Airport City Project, preparing a detailed master plan and infrastructure plans for the Industrial Zone within, analyzing the economic and financial models for the Industrial Zone site to determine the project’s IRRs and ERRs and reviewing the possible development and implementation options for the Industrial Zone.

Funded by: Ministry of Economy and Finance / World Bank Group

Myanmar Airport Capacity Study

Assisted the Spanish engineering advisory firm AIRIA, as a subcontractor, in conducting a comprehensive capacity study for Yangon International Airport in Myanmar.

Funded by: ICAO, Yangon International Airport and AIRIA

Millennium Challenge Corporation Task Order

Reviewed the country’s situation while identifying issues and problems relevant to the delivery of projects through PPP modalities, and identified the next stages of project development with the objective of bringing PPPs to market.

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Re-engineering of the Nepal Central Bank (NRB) and Supervision of Commercial Bank Restructuring

Provided comprehensive technical assistance to support the NRB in implementing an extensive re-engineering program and enhanced NRB’s role through effective regulations and supervision, implementation of international standards, improved transparency and administrative practices and design of a program for the development and implementation of a modern central bank IT department.

Funded by: World Bank Group and Nepal Rastra Bank

Feasibility Study Export and Technical Assistance, Fruit and Vegetable processing facilities – Private Sector Assistance Project

IOS Principals provided comprehensive technical assistance to the fruit and vegetable processing industry, as well as a feasibility study for the exports of mangoes to the USA – resulting in the construction of an aseptic processing plant to treat the mangos before their export to the USA.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Nicaraguan Social Investment Fund

Managed the annual investment plan for the Nicaragua Social Investment Fund and assisted local entities with proposal writing and implementation of projects. IOS played an integral role to help the Nicaraguan Government obtain grant proposals for funding of projects, which led to more than 32 loans and grants worth more than US$ 500 million from bilateral and multilateral sources of funding including USAID, OPEC, EEC, and JAPANGRANTS.

Funded by: FISE Nicaragua, Health & Social Services

Technical Assistance in Foreign Trade Matters and Government Technology Systems for the Establishment of the Electronic Single Window for Foreign Trade in Nicaragua VUCEN

Designed and established an Electronic Single Window for Foreign Trade in Nicaragua (VUCEN), including the development of the regulatory and institutional framework for the Portal and training and technology transfer to government officials, IT counterparts of the institutions and operating personnel of the system.

Funded by: Ministry of Development, Industry and Commerce and Inter-American Development Bank

USAID CAFTA Promotion Project

Under contract with FMI, IOS’s Director of IT assisted in the design and development of a web-based application for computerizing the Register of Trademarks and Intellectual Property (eRPINIC) for the Government of Nicaragua.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Consultancy Services for the Establishment of an Inter-Institutional Normative Framework for Integrated Border Management in Nicaragua

Assisted in the development of a new normative framework and an inter-institutional normative framework aiming at integrating border management operations. The underlying goal was to increase efficiency and security, while reducing costs, in order to facilitate trade and the movement of people.

Funded by: Inter-American Development Bank

Study to Identify Foreign and National Investment Opportunities and Develop Specific Investment Projects in Nicaragua

Identified business opportunities with a high potential for domestic and foreign investment in 10 regions of Nicaragua in order to develop specific investment projects and have a pipeline for channeling investment into the territories of the country

Funded by: The Ministry of Development, Industry and Commerce

Technical Assistance in Foreign Trade Matters and Government Technology Systems for the Establishment of the Electronic Single Window for Foreign Trade in Nicaragua VUCEN

Designed and established an Electronic Single Window for Foreign Trade in Nicaragua (VUCEN), including the development of the regulatory and institutional framework for the Portal and training and technology transfer to government officials, IT counterparts of the institutions and operating personnel of the system.

Funded by: Ministry of Development, Industry, and Commerce and Inter-American Development Bank

USAID CAFTA Promotion Project

Under contract with FMI, IOS’s Director of IT assisted in the design and development of a web-based application for computerizing the Register of Trade Marks and Intellectual Property (eRPINIC) for the Government of Nicaragua.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Non-Lending Technical Assistance Trade in Agricultural Market

Undertook a market and value chain study focusing on two grains (maize and sorghum) and two export crops (cocoa and sesame) with the objective of assisting the Government of Nigeria to create an enabling environment and underpinning conditions for viable trading platforms for agriculture commodities.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Aviation Sector Institutional Reforms

Provided technical assistance to the Government to prepare a strategy for the institutional and organizational reform of the air transport sector, focusing on improving safety and security and ensuring the effective development and modernization of the aviation sector.

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Transportation / World Bank Group

Exploratory Study on Equipment, Infrastructure, and Training Needs of the Nigerian College of Aviation Technology

Conducted a study on the equipment, infrastructure, and training needs of the Nigerian College of Aviation Technology, including proposals on how to implement PPPs, in order to revitalize the College to be able to meet future needs of the aviation industry in Nigeria.

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Aviation/International Development Association

Due Diligence Services & Technical/Financial Feasibility Analysis for the Construction of Airport Terminals at Four International Airports

Prepared a dynamic financial model with sensitivity analysis and assisted in framing the final agreements with the financing institutions to facilitate the construction of the passenger terminals at the four major international airports of Nigeria.

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Aviation

Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria Training Program

Provided comprehensive training programs & presentations on airport master planning and terminal planning, air traffic forecasting, airport safety (annex 14) & air side planning and airport operations etc.

Funded by: Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria

Orientation Sessions for Airport Performance Management System

Provided practical tools to the Performance Management System (PMS) Implementation Task Team and the Airport Managers to ensure the success of the ambitious overall improvement plans that FAAN is implanting for its airport system.

Funded by: Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria.

Provision of Assessment and Design review services for the Completion of Micro Facility at the Victor ATTAH Internacional Airport



Concession of the National Facilities

Participated on a due diligence study, developed a privatization strategy, drafted of bid documents, developed evaluation criteria, provided assistance in marketing, and assisted in the evaluation of offers as well as contract negotiations for the concession of the 6 National Stadia, International Trade Fair Complex, the Tafawa Balewa Trade Complex, and the National Arts Theater.

Funded by: Council on Privatization

Lagos State Tourism Master Plan

Developed a tourism master plan for the next 15 to 20 years as a subcontractor to EY, focusing on positioning Lagos State to become a globally competitive tourist destination.

Funded by: Lagos State Ministry of Tourism, Arts, and Culture.

Cooperative Airspace Management in the Pacific Region

Engaged to provide technical assistance aimed at establishing a feasible and viable strategy for transition to CNS/ATM-based airspace management under conditions of amalgamated and unified airspace in the Pacific region.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank

Options for Regional Aviation Supply & Long-Term Sustainability of Regional Aviation Infrastructure Pacific Islands -(Countries covered: Tuvalu, Kiribati and Tonga).

Undertook a study to develop options for improving regional aviation supply and to develop options for countries in the region to develop and maintain supporting infrastructure on a sustainable basis.

Funded by: Pacific Aviation Investment Program / World Bank Group

Peshawar Sustainable Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Project – Project Design Advance: Project Management, Coordination and Capacity Building (PMCCB)

Provided the services of a Quality and Probity Specialist (QPS) to the Transport and Mass Transit Department to develop a QMP, train the LQPA, and undertake the probity plan.

Funded by: Halcrow Pakistan Limited/Ministry of Public Infrastructure

Development of Special Economic Zone & Logistic Hubs along the Pakistan National Trade Corridor

Conducted a comprehensive assessment, feasibility study, and business plan to develop Logistics Hubs along the National Trade Corridor Highway in order to facilitate trade at the national and regional levels, as well as promote investment along the corridor.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank

Valuation of the Landside Assets of Palau International Airports

Prepared an overall project schedule, conducted an evaluation assessment of the landside infrastructure assets with particular emphasis on the existing potential to generate revenue, and prepared a Draft Valuation Report for a PPP scheme for the expansion, renovation, and operation of Palau International Airport through a joint-venture between the Republic of Palau, the Sojitz Corporation, and Japan Airport Terminal Co. Ltd.

Funded by: Government of Palau

Determination of Charges of Access for Utilization of Port and Airport Infrastructure

Developed conceptual and methodological frameworks for determination of access charges to port and airport infrastructure services.

Funded by: Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Infraestructura de Transporte de Uso Público (OSITRAN)

Regulatory Issues in Transport Sector – Development of Multi Sector Regulator in Peru – OSITRAN

Provided technical assistance in the development of regulation for ports, roads, airports, and railway infrastructure with the goals to strengthen the regulatory capacity with regard to tariff setting and review and to minimize the information asymmetry so that economic and financial performance of transport concessions could be better monitored.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Regulatory Issues in Transport Sector – Development of Multi Sector Regulator in Peru – OSITRAN

Provided technical assistance in the development of regulation for ports, roads, airports, and railway infrastructure with the goals to strengthen the regulatory capacity with regard to tariff setting and review and to minimize the information asymmetry so that economic and financial performance of transport concessions could be better monitored

Funded by: World Bank Group

Determination of Charges of Access for Utilization of Port and Airport Infrastructure

Developed conceptual and methodological frameworks for determination of access charges to port and airport infrastructure services.

Funded by: Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Infraestructura de Transporte de Uso Público (OSITRAN)

Redesign and Establishment of the Electronic Single Window for Foreign Trade in Peru VUCE 2.0

IOS Partners redesigned system processes, conducted a regulatory and institutional framework assessment, and ensured that procedures are in place to facilitate the interconnectivity and interoperability of the portal with the control entities of ten (10) governmental agencies. The objective of the project was to establish the connection with other relevant governmental entities in the future. VUCE 2.0 will facilitate the customs and non-customs processes for export and import.

Funded by: Inter-American Development Bank

Improvement of The Social Security System (SSS) Pension Administration Through Better Database Management

Evaluated the feasibility of an Integrated Billing System for Member Contributions and Loan Collections, with Electronic Linkage to Benefits Database. Designed an Automated, Integrated, System-Wide Monitoring Scheme for Member Contributions, Loan Collections and Benefit Payment and developed a Business Plan for the Use of the SSS ID.

Funded by: Philippines Social Security System

Privatization and Commercialization Strategy of The Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority

Assisted in the development of an overall framework to guide the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority in its commercialization, privatization, and organizational restructuring efforts.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Privatization and Commercialization Strategy of The Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority

Assisted in the development of an overall framework to guide the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority in its commercialization, privatization, and organizational restructuring efforts.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Technical Advisory Services for the Privatization of the Luis Munoz International Airport

Conducted an institutional diagnostic assessment and identified new modernization improvements with outsourcing potential under a Build-Operate-Transfer scheme.

Funded by: Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services

Booz SME

Supported the Booz&Company team in developing a Private Sector Development Strategy for the Qatar 2022 Supreme Committee with the objective to support the National Development Strategy in its goal to enhance productivity at all levels, and devote efforts of economic diversification and formulating incentive frameworks and policies to attract the private sector.

Funded by: Booz&Company LLC/Qatar 2022 Supreme Committee

Strategy, Transformation and Change at the Ministry of Economy and Commerce

Promoted consumer protection, competition protection and fair-trade best practices through discussions and workshops to improve Qatar’s Ministry of Economy and Commerce effectiveness and service offering as an agency responsible for the safeguard of its consumers, the country’s competition and the promotion of fair trade.

Funded by: Strategy& (QFC) LLC/Ministry of Economy and Commerce

Qatari Tourism Sector Strategy Project

IOS Partners’ Tourism Expert assisted with the development of a summary of Qatar’s tourism challenges and articulated and assessed strategic positioning options for the country.

Funded by: Qatar Tourism Authority

The ERP & Finance Transformation-PMO Support- Project Management Support to the World.

IOS Partners team was selected for this particular purchase order under a framework contract meant to provide management consulting services. This purchase order was designed to provide project management support during the PMO establishment of Project ARIA. The objective of Project ARIA is to support the transition of the World Bank Group to the new SAP EhP8 system.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Consultancy Services for Conducting a Study on Ports Efficiency and Competitiveness in Africa

Provided strategic guidance on the port efficiency and competitiveness, made the maritime sector in Africa even more performing and visible, provided strengthening and new logistics organization in Africa, and proposed solutions relating to the efficiency and competitiveness of African ports.

Funded by: African Union Commission.

Framework World Bank Group Management

Provided expert knowledge and skills in support of the World Bank’s decision-making process and organizational structure. The specific task orders assisted the WBG in delivering in their new 14 Global Practices and 5 Cross-Cutting Solution Areas.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Procurement Framework World Bank Group

Served as a sub-contractor to Ernst & Young LLP (Americas) for a framework contract by the World Bank Group to provide expert knowledge and skills in support of the development of the new World Bank procurement framework.

Funded by: Ernst & Young LLP/
World Bank Group

Review of the Results of the OGP MDTF Selection Process

Provided an assessment of the conclusion of the Governance Global Practice’s (GGP) selection process, with a focus on confirming the integrity and reasonableness of the result of the evaluation process against a set of established objective evaluation criteria.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Gap Analysis for National Maritime Single Window Development and Design of Regional Maritime Single Window

The objective of this consultancy is to produce a gap analysis for achieving full implementation of National Maritime Single Windows (MSW) in three countries and to design a Regional Maritime Single Window (RMSW) for the Caribbean/ covered: Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, Suriname.

Funded by: Inter-American Development Bank

Zambia Task Order – Access to Finance

Informed the design of the Joint European Union/European Investment Bank (EU-EIB) “blending operation” aimed at supporting the sustainable commercialization of Zambia’s smallholder farmers towards increased productivity, incomes, commercial viability and prospects for employment generation.

Funded by: European Commission/DT-Global

Development of the Georgian National Wine Strategy and Action Plan

Assessed wine legislation, trade regulations, as well as bi-lateral and multi-lateral trade agreements; conducted a systematic review of the wine industry and identified firm-level constraints to growth; designed a long-term strategy for the Georgian government to support the expansion of the sector; developed action plans and a detailed roadmap encompassing the entire wine industry to facilitate the strategy’s implementation; and, recommended a set of legislative and policy changes to enhance the sector’s competitiveness

Funded by: World Bank Group

FIRST Initiative – Georgian Insurance Supervisory Strengthening

Developed a well-supervised and regulated insurance industry in Georgia, in order to meet the demands of the economy for risk protection and help stimulate investment growth. IOS was responsible for the insurance and supervisory capacity diagnostic of the project, as lead firm under the IQC award.

Funded by: The Insurance State Supervision Service

Georgia Social Protection Reform Project

Undertook an assessment of poverty benefit system which contributed to a National Social Protection Strategy and the design of a poverty benefit component for a Social Protection Reform Project; led an assessment of the issues involved in moving from the existing flat-rate pensions to a funded pension system, contributing to the design of a pension and social insurance component for the project.

Funded by: Georgia Health and Social Project
Implementation Center

FIRST Initiative – Georgian Insurance Supervisory Strengthening

Developed a well-supervised and regulated insurance industry in Georgia, in order to meet the demands of the economy for risk protection and help stimulate investment growth. IOS was responsible for the insurance and supervisory capacity diagnostic of the project, as lead firm under the IQC award.

Funded by: The Insurance State Supervision Service

Capacity Building and Advocacy Support for the Georgian Competition Agency

Provided technical assistance to strengthen its institutional capacity and support its advocacy function as a regulator and developed and delivered a training curriculum in the areas of competition economics, quantitative techniques for the enforcement of competition law, and procedural aspects of competition law enforcement. Our team also helped the Authority to raise its profile and ensure that its role and mandate are well understood by the business community, the Government, and the public opinion.

Funded by: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Privatization Assessment Program

Conducted a privatization program for a large number of SOE’s in telecommunications, postal services, radio and television, railways, water and sanitation, ports and airports, gas distribution pipelines, and roads with the goal to modify the institutional and legal framework in order to enhance the efficiency and transparency of privatization transactions and attract the necessary capital to finance economic growth.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Design of the Pension Payment System for the Second and Third Pillars

Conducted a survey to support the Romanian Ministry of Labor, Family, and Equality of Opportunities and other policy makers in analyzing and deciding on the policy tools that ensure adequate and guaranteed benefits for participants in the funded Second and Third Pillars, tailoring international best practices to the country context.

Funded by: Ministry of Labor, Family, and Equality of Opportunity

Improvement of Corporate Governance Mechanisms in Russia

Improved the policies, laws, and regulations of capital markets and established sound corporate governance mechanisms with the goal to build up investor confidence and enhance private sector competitiveness in Russia.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Implementation support to RDB’s Tourism Regulatory Agency

Conducted a regulatory review of five draft ministerial orders (regulations) which included providing recommendations on their operationalization under RDB. Regulatory Review.

Funded by: World Bank Group

OECS Regional Tourism Competitiveness Project

The objective of the assignment is to develop a comprehensive and practical Tourism Master Plan that will guide the sustainable socio-economic development of tourism in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. This Tourism Mater Plan will serve to strategically propel the growth of the tourism thus enabling the island nation to be a competitive force amidst constant regional and global changes, demands and trends.

Funded by: Central Planning/Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Information Technology

OECS Regional Tourism Competitiveness Project

The objective of the assignment is to develop a comprehensive and practical Tourism Master Plan that will guide the sustainable socio-economic development of tourism in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. This Tourism Master Plan will serve to strategically propel the growth of the tourism thus enabling the island nation to be a competitive force amidst constant regional and global changes, demands and trends.

Funded by: Central Planning/Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Information Technology

Aviation Sector Strategy

Developed an Aviation Sector Strategy for the Government of Samoa by making a market assessment, reviewing the current structure of the international and domestic aviation sector, analyzing the operational and strategic role of all airports and identifying infrastructure requirements, identifying and assessing current policies, alternative policy options and institutional options, and finally identifying any required legislative and regulatory changes.

Funded by: Pacific Aviation Investment Program and World Bank Group

Consultancy Services for the Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Collateral Registry Software Solution in Saudi Arabia

IOS Partners was engaged by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the development of the Collateral Registry Solution. This project in Phase 1 included the installation of the off-the-shelf solution in English and in Arabic and delivery of the source code for the off-the-shelf English and Arabic versions of the system.

Funded by: Bayan Credit Bureau Co.

Study for the Privatization of Grain Silos and Flour Milling Organization (GSFMO)

Conducted a study aimed at identifying global and regional best practices for grain silo privatization and developed a workable privatization plan for implementation by the Saudi Government with the purpose to convince key decision makers in the Kingdom of the viability and sustainability of the privatization program for the grain silos and mills.

Funded by: Al-Muhaidib Group/Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Development of Special Economic Zones in Saudi Arabia

Identified potential development areas for special economic zones in the regions of Hail, Jazzan, and Tabuk in order to achieve a balanced development in the less developed regions.

Funded by: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia/Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority

Mid-Term Evaluation of USAID Senegal’s IRG Managed Economic Growth Program

Assessed and evaluated the progress made by International Resources Group to date in order to identify areas for improvements in the Economic Growth Program, including business development services, PPP and policy reforms. Recommended needed corrective actions to facilitate the attainment of the planned results.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Prefeasibility Study for the Cité des Affaires de l’Afrique de l’Ouest

Conducted a technical prefeasibility study examining the strengths and weaknesses of regulatory, environmental, social, geomorphologic, and investment characteristics, financial prefeasibility, legal and regulatory analysis, and initial project realization planning, including the selection of a private operational partner, for the international business “City”, called “Cité des Affaires de l’Afrique de l’Ouest”.

Funded by: West African Business City/APIX

Strategic Study on the reform of the economic and financial dispute resolution mechanisms and investor protection measures as they relate to the World Bank’s “Doing Business” indicators

Undertook a study with the goal of submitting a detailed action plan for the implementation, in the medium term, of an efficient problem solving system to aid in resolving economic and financial disputes.

Funded by: APIX-Investments Promotion Agency of Senegal

Prefeasibility Study for the Cité des Affaires de l’Afrique de l’Ouest

Conducted a technical prefeasibility study examining the strengths and weaknesses of regulatory, environmental, social, geomorphologic, and investment characteristics, financial prefeasibility, legal and regulatory analysis, and initial project realization planning, including the selection of a private operational partner, for the international business “City”, called “Cité des Affaires de l’Afrique de l’Ouest”.

Funded by: West African Business City/APIX

USAID Economic Reform Project

IOS’s Director of IT was hired to develop and implement a Gateway and Communication portal for E-SNA (Serbian National Assembly) –

Funded by: Serbian National Assembly

Buy-Side Technical and Financial Advisory Services related to the privatization of DDOR Novi Sad Insurance Company

Served as technical and financial advisors to KBC Insurance as they considered purchasing majority capital in DDOR Novi Sad, the second largest insurance company in Serbia.

Funded by: KBC Insurance/Belgium & Bastion Group

Establishment of an Information Management System for Agencies Involved in MSME Development and Promotion

Built on existing platforms to develop management information systems for SBFA and SENPA as capacity building for each of the institutions to facilitate improved management and effective decision making.

Funded by: Ministry of Finance, Trade, and Blue Economy

Consulting Services for 2013 Agriculture Sector Review in Sierra Leone

Provided a comprehensive review of the progress in the implementation of the Smallholder Commercialization Program in order to provide solid guidance for the development of the agriculture sector.

Funded by: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Food Security

Options Study for Private Sector participation in Sierra Leone Airport and Airport Transfer Study

Evaluated various private sector participation options for the Sierra Leone Airports Authority’s core and non-core operations and undertook a situational analysis of the factors constraining access between the airport and Freetown, including water and air transport infrastructure, government policy, legal and regulatory framework, fiscal, economic, and commercial factors.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Public Finance Management Reform Project – Development of the Training System for the Ministry of Finance and the State Treasury Clients

Designed and implemented a permanent training system for the employees of the State Treasury and Debt and Liquidity Management Agency and for State Treasury clients.

Funded by: World Bank Group (WBG), Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic

Pension Reform Project

Information Technology Strategic planning project funded by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency.Evaluated the existing information system resources and facilities of the Slovakian pension sector, assessed information, automatization needs and system’s platform (software and hardware) of the Institute of Social Security and Protection (ISSP) to outsource the information technology services.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Aviation Sector Strategy – Solomon Islands Roads and Aviation project

Developed an Aviation Sector Strategy for the SIG, involving the assessment and analysis of Solomon Islands’ aviation sector, the development of an aviation sector strategy suitable for implementation, the preparation of practical recommendations for future policy developments and reforms in the sector, and the development of a practical blueprint for implementation of selected options

Funded by: Ministry of Communication and Aviation and the Ministry of Infrastructure Development
/SIRAP Project

Diagnostic Assessment of Inter-Island Transport

Performed a review of the status of interisland (air and sea) transport services to determine constraints to their development and developed strategies for improving efficiency and effectiveness. For the air transport sector, recommended a reform program for Solomon Airlines to prepare the airline for sale and recommended a privatization transaction structure.

Funded by: Government of the Solomon Islands/
Asian Development Bank

Aviation Sector Strategy

The objective of this project was prepare a comprehensive ‘strategic’ plan to guide the development of Solomon Islands’ air transportation sector. This strategic’ plan included a thorough analysis of the impact and interrelations with other key sectors (e.g., tourism, maritime, disaster response, etc.) and environmental/social impacts. The strategy aligned with the NDS 2016-2035, the National Transport Plan.

Funded by: Ministry of Communication and Aviation and the Ministry of Infrastructure Development

Strategic Review of Solomon Islands National Provident Fund

Identified key policy issues to be addressed as well as deficiencies in the organization, including in legislation and finance, and provided recommendations and strategies for strengthening the National Provident Fund.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Strategic Review of Solomon Islands National Provident Fund

Identified key policy issues to be addressed as well as deficiencies in the organization, including in legislation and finance, and provided recommendations and strategies for strengthening the National Provident Fund.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Diagnostic Assessment of Inter-Island Transport

Performed a review of the status of interisland (air and sea) transport services to determine constraints to their development and developed strategies for improving efficiency and effectiveness. For the air transport sector, recommended a reform program for Solomon Airlines to prepare the airline for sale and recommended a privatization transaction structure.

Funded by: Government of the Solomon Islands/
Asian Development Bank

State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) Reform and Privatization Program

Led preliminary assessments and conducted technical for 13 SOEs including: developing an MOU for S.I. Printers, debt restructuring plans for airlines, legal and regulatory assessment for PPP in telecom, recommendations for the energy sector, designed marketing and identified investors for Russell Plantation, and designed privatization strategy document for SI. Postal Corporation; also designed and delivered privatization capacity building workshops.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank

Consultancy Services for the Enhancement of the Civil Aviation System of Somalia

Provided technical assistance to the Federal Government of Somalia by establishing a fully functional and self-sustaining Civil Aviation Authority in Somalia through the realization of strategic and tactical objectives.

Funded by: ICAO/Federal Government of Somalia

Master Agreement for Training Services Provided by a Service Provider

Supported Airport Council International (ACI) in developing course material and in delivering courses through facilitation sessions, group workshops, and on-site operational tours of the airport, in order to enhance the competencies of ACI members in the areas of Safety, Security, Economics, Facilitation, Security, Environment, Customer Service and any other subject relevant to the worldwide airport community.

Funded by: ACI Aviation

Transaction Advisors Capital Restructuring of Airports Company of South Africa

Served as transaction advisors to the Department of Transport of South Africa to maximize the value of the Airports Company of South Africa by restructuring its capital.

Funded by: Department of Transport and Airports Company of South Africa

Private Transmission Network Service Providers Project-Engineering and Consultancy Services for Private Investment in Transmission Grid

Performed a comprehensive review of framework, tariffs and financing mechanisms for eight Private Transmission Dispensations around the world, successes and failures in these dispensations, and proposal on Financial and Tariff arrangements for the South m ESI, to help inform the DBSA and the independent power producers (IPPs) Office of the tariff structures and concession model best suited for South Africa.

Funded by: Utho Capital (Pty) Ltd. and the Development Bank of Southern Africa Ltd

Southern Africa Civil Aviation Sector Study

IOS Principals provided advisory services which consisted of researching and analyzing the current situation of the airports and airlines in the region and making recommendations on how to increase private sector participation in the sector.

Funded by: World Bank Group

SADC Public-Private Partnership Program Support

Undertook the initial analysis for 42 identified priority infrastructure projects through the development of screening criteria and methodology and carry out subsequent pre-feasibility studies for five shortlisted PPP projects.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Consultancy to review and identify strategies and mechanisms to improve the performance of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in Sri Lanka

Identified weaknesses in the selected SOEs in terms of revenue, cost structure, reporting mechanisms, management, governing structure, autonomy, oversight, and external/internal audits functions; reviewed appropriate legal framework and its relevancy and enforcement; and, prepared an appropriate reform program.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Port Resiliency Program (“PReP”) Workshop for St. Vincent’s Argyle International Airport

Delivered a workshop to the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, with a specific focus on Argyle International Airport (AIA), to improve the resiliency of their disaster planning, and ensure optimal interoperability and coordination among agencies and other resources in the event of a crisis.

Funded by: Argyle International Airport

Provision of Consulting Services to Establish and Run the Livestock Marketing and Resilience Programme Public Partnership Unit

The objective of the consultancy service was to develop and structure bankable transactions in the three identified value chains (live sheep and cattle, red meat, and hides/skin/leather) that could be successfully offered by the relevant GoS Agencies to private investors for financing, construction, operation and maintenance using PPP contracts. IOS Partners assisted the LMRP in conducting pre-feasibility and technical and financial feasibility studies for the projects, and helped the public entities conduct a competitive tender process for the selection of the private investors (International Fund for Agricultural Development.

Funded by: International Fund for Agricultural Development

Air Transport Support Program

Supported the improvement of the air transport sector in Suriname by providing a framework for the short, medium, and long-term development of key air transport infrastructure in the country and the rationalization of the institutional organization of the sector

Funded by: Civil Aviation Department of Suriname

Establishing a Secured Transactions Registry in Suriname

IOS Team established a web-based registry for notices of secured transactions that will be accessible to all users and will allow registration of new and search of the existing notices of secured transactions.

Funded by: Inter-American Development Bank

Airport Commercial Revenues – Consulting Services to Airport Management Ltd for Johan Adolf Pengel International

Reviewed Airport Management LTD’s current businesses, including concessions and commercial development, analyzed both aeronautical and non-aeronautical revenues and contracts, and developed recommendations on these activities as well as ground handling, CUTE business model, cargo, real estate, resulting in a Commercial Master Plan. Training was provided to ensure excellent customer service.

Funded by: Airport Management Ltd

Designing and Formulating the Costing System for the Tanzanian Civil Aviation Authority

Developed and installed a computerized costing system for the Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority, which would provide adequate cost information to the Authority for decision-making purposes.

Funded by: Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority /World Bank Group

Design of the National Development Strategy for Transportation in Togo

Conducted the strategic study for the aviation sector for the National Strategy for the Development of Transportation.

Funded by: Government of Togo

The Design of New Institutional and Governance Structure for the Single Electronic Window

IOS assisted the Government of Trinidad and Tobago in its efforts to i) design new institutional structures for the SEW Unit, Trade License Unit (TLU) and Management Information Systems Division (MISD); and ii) design a new governance framework for the SEW.

Funded by: Ministry of Trade and Industry

Consultancy for Advisory Services to Enhance the TTBizLink Application Software

Provided advisory services towards the enhancement of the TTBizLink application software to realize significant improvements in cost efficiency, agility, and innovation.

Funded by: Ministry of Trade and Industry/ Inter-American Development Bank.

Multi-Storey Car Park at Piarco Intl Airport

Provided Investment Analysis Services to review the multi-story car park facility project at Piarco International Airport, in Trinidad and Tobago. The results of the analysis were presented in a final report to be delivered by lOS Partners to the Airport Authority for the officials to use for future decision-making concerning the public tendering of the project.

Funded by: Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

Design of the Ukraine Social Investment Fund (USIF) system of social care service micro projects

Undertook an institutional and organizational capacity assessment of the USIF, which included the Fund Operational Manual and the Project Handbook Guidelines, and proposed changes related to the economic analysis of projects, selection mechanism of service providers and formats and data gathering for the monitoring and evaluation system. Also devised a conceptual framework for developing the Institutional Key Performance Indicators at both levels central and regional governments (Oblast).

Funded by: Ukraine Social Investment Fund

Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority Integration Strategy

Under contract with Booz & Co., provided advisory services through the development of a strategy designed to drive the initial integration of the agencies and department of the Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority.

Funded by: Booz & Co. and Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority

Assistance in the Development of New Pension Legislation for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi

Worked on the implementation of a new 3-pillar pension system designed in Abu Dhabi, adding Mandatory and Voluntary Defined Contribution tiers to a Defined Benefit tier.

Funded by: Abu Dhabi Pension Fund

Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority Integration Strategy

Under contract with Booz & Co., provided advisory services through the development of a strategy designed to drive the initial integration of the agencies and department of the Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority.

Funded by: Booz & Co. and Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority

International Cultural Consultant to Support the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority

Advised the Aviation Authority and its architects, contractors, and general consultants on international-cultural aspects, best business policies and procedures, and infrastructure to facilitate accommodations for multiple and diverse cultures from countries expected to generate large numbers of traffic to Orlando International Airport.

Funded by: Greater Orlando Aviation Authority

Evaluating the Traveler’s Perspective to Improve the Airport Customer Experience

Provided guidance for the airport operator from the perspective of the airport travelers through their entire journey to address current and evolving experiences and expectations and identify future customer service-related trends and developments; and generated tools to help airport operators collaborate with airport tenants and other service providers to deliver a seamless customer experience.

Funded by: Airport Cooperative Research Program/Transportation Research Board20

Assessing Airport Programs for Travelers with Disabilities and Older Adults

Produce a user-friendly Guidebook which identifies effective assessment tools used to evaluate different aspects of customer experiences of travelers with disabilities and older adults. A panoply of assessment tools and best practices identified by the research will help airports develop, monitor, and evaluate the services, amenities, and programs to delight their customers with disabilities or functional limitations due to age. Case study examples and lessons learned from programs addressing the needs of older adult and disability programs at airports will be reviewed. In addition to identifying and researching existing airports with effective programs, other related industries such as rail, cruise lines, malls and organizations, which are recognized for their successful programs, will be analyzed in order to derive best practices and programs affecting travelers with disabilities and older adults.

Funded by: Airport Cooperative Research Program

Social Media Monitoring & Management for the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport(“CVG”)

IOS Partners and subcontractor, Maventus Group, provided Kenton County Airport Board (KCAB) with a social media monitoring and analyzing tool to manage Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport’s (CVG) online presence. The provision of this tool by IOS Partners and Maventus Group allows CVG to achieve its defined social media goals: how to digitally relate, effectively listen, engage, communicate, and measure audience engagement to deliver a seamless customer experience.

Funded by: Kenton County Airport Board

Technical Advice to Vanuatu Airport Parliamentary Committee

Provided legal, financial, and technical advice to a recently established Parliamentary Ad Hoc Committee on an existing concession agreement to build and operate a new international airport of Efate Island, and assisted the Committee in negotiations with the Singaporean concessionaire.

Funded by: Ministry of Finance & Economic Management

Aviation Sector Strategy

Developed an Aviation Sector Strategy which included undertaking a thorough analysis of the impact and interrelations with other key sectors and environmental/social impacts.

Funded by: Pacific Aviation Investment Program and World Bank Group

Comprehensive Reform Program: Vanuatu National Provident Fund

Conducted a training needs assessment, provided on-the-job training and delivered capacity building workshops to the Vanuatu National Provident Fund.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank

Interisland Shipping Support Project – Establishment of the Maritime Safety Administration

Assisted the government to improve the condition of maritime infrastructure, service provision and safety through the establishment of the Vanuatu Maritime Safety Administration (VMSA).

Funded by: Asian Development Bank/ Ministry of Finance and Economic Management, Vanuatu/ Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities

Vietnam Social Security Administration Modernization Project (SSAMP)

Undertook a review and conducted high-level business process reengineering to establish business needs for a new Vietnam Social Security Information System (VSSAIS). Laid out a conceptual framework for the development of such a system to inform the design of the SSAMP, including capacity building of VSS and PMU Staff.

Funded by: Vietnam Social Security/World Bank Group

Developing the Social Security System Component B

Led a project to establish a social security system in Vietnam with expanded coverage and financial sustainability. The firm was also responsible for strengthening the institutional capacity of Vietnam Social Security (VSS), as well as upgrading its asset management policy.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank

PPP IDIQ – Feasibility Study and Transaction Advisory Services for Public Private Partnership Projects in Vietnam

IOS Partners, Inc. provided external and independent services in support of PPP project development..

Funded by: Asian Development Bank/Public Procurement Agency/Ministry of Planning and Investment

PPP Project Identification and Financing Strategies

Conducted technical and economic assessments, assessed land rights, identified supporting infrastructure, and led feasibility studies for a BOT toll road/bridge in Cameroon, corridor development in Senegal, extension of Douala airport, and development of a deep-water port in Kribi/West & Central Africa.

Funded by: InfraCo.

Study of the Development of Airport Infrastructure in West Africa

Developed a master plan for strengthening and developing the equipment and infrastructure in the ECOWAS member states.

Funded by: The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

Study of the Development of an ECOWAS Postal Services Master Plan

IOS Partners, Inc. was contracted by ECOWAS to conduct a feasibility study on the development of a Postal Service Master Plan in Member States, through sustainable initiatives, programs and projects.ECOWAS member states – Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo).

Funded by: The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

UEMOA Customs Union Instruments on Trade Facilitation – Capacity Building Needs on SPS Border Facility and Equipment

Supported UEMOA on its regional approach to strengthening capacity building on sanitary and Phyto-sanitary border control in order to facilitate and secure international trade through the development of a coherent program for capacity building in the field of SPS control infrastructure and equipment at the borders of the UEMOA member states.

Funded by: World Bank Group /UEMOA Commission

Development of Reforms to Liberalize the Regulatory Framework Governing Civil Aviation in West and Central Africa((Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic, Congo, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo)

Served as advisors to the World Bank for the development of a regulatory framework for air transport in 23 countries in West and Central Africa.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Development of Regulatory Framework for Civil Aviation in West and Central Africa

IOS Principals analyzed civil aviation, airlines and airports in the region; identified actions to be taken (legal, regulatory and institutional); devised an implementation strategy that would facilitate competition and greater private sector participation within the region; and, drafted and presented MOU for the implementation of the ECA Open Skies Decision for Africa.

Funded by: World Bank Group

PPP/PSP Advice and Support on Infrastructure Projects in Renewable Energy, Etc.

The objective of the assignment is to advice and support PEMCO in specific project opportunities within the renewable energy sector, water initiatives and on public street lighting projects worldwide.


Plan of Actions for the Development and Management of Aden Port – Aden Free Trade Zone – Aden Airport

Elaborated a plan of concrete actions focusing on Aden Port, Aden Free Trade Zone and Aden Airport to guide the Government through the needed strategic choices and reform processes, as well as allocate specific tasks and activities to the different parties and organizations involved in the development of Aden.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Plan of Actions for the Development and Management of Aden Port – Aden Free Trade Zone – Aden Airport

Elaborated a plan of concrete actions focusing on Aden Port, Aden Free Trade Zone and Aden Airport to guide the Government through the needed strategic choices and reform processes, as well as allocate specific tasks and activities to the different parties and organizations involved in the development of Aden.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Head Office Coral Gables

Funded by: NA

Mexico City, Mexico

Funded by: NA

Aviation Pacific Aviation Investment Project – Tuvalu

IOS Partners was engaged by the Ministry of Transport, Energy and Tourism (MTET) to provide economic and aviation financial expertise and inputs contributing to an Options Paper assessing the construction of a new proposed airport at Funafuti under a PPP. This included preparing 25-year traffic forecasts, financial model, economic impact analysis, and an action plan.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Independent Review of AfDB’s Non-Sovereign Operations

IOS Partners conducted a “desk” review of the non-sovereign operations (NSO) portfolio and operational statistical data. The IOS team conducted comprehensive interviews with key stakeholders of the PSD/PSO Ecosystem, including with members of Senior Management and the Board of Directors, and evaluated the portfolio qualitatively and quantitatively.

Funded by: African Development Bank

Programme of Workshops on Risk Mitigation Instruments

The AfDB engaged IOS Partners, GlobalDF and Planet Partnerships to assist its Initiative for Risk Management in Africa (IRMA) design and implement a three-day training programme on risk mitigation instruments and credit enhancement tools. The target of the Programme was the internal personnel of the African Development Bank and subsequently, the civil servants and policy makers in the Region.

The training programme was delivered in Tunis for AfDB staff. The workshop for civil servants and policy makers in the African region was delivered in six sessions across the Region, including in Tunisia, Kenya, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo, Senegal and Mozambique, reaching over 200 participants.

Funded by: African Development Bank

Needs Assessment for Risk Mitigation

Conducted a demand-side analysis of the need for risk mitigation in Africa by surveying government officials, insurance providers, investors, NGOs, and other stakeholders on risks and perceived risks in Africa.

Funded by: African Development Bank

Consultancy Service for development Port community system

The main objective of this consultancy is to lay the foundation for the development of the maritime PCS. It will require development of the ‘Business Requirements Specification’ (BRS) to document business requirements for Customs and relevant stakeholders as well as the PCS core processes including the PCS registration scheme, e-payments, integration with the NSW system (under development), the Customs WeBOC system, trade regulators, ports, and other stakeholders.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Technical services to develop a multisectoral investment promotion campaign

The purpose of this assignment was to provide a suitable audience of potential investors to PROESA through targeting and lead generation, so that they can present the opportunities offered by the country and its favorable conditions for the attraction of Foreign Direct Investment in the prioritized sectors and opportunities, positioning the country as an attractive destination for their investments.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Technical services for the Sectoral Study

The purpose of this assignment is to provide Technical Services to update the sectoral studies, as well as to develop a proposal for a financial incentive plan to position El Salvador as an ideal place for the establishment of new foreign investment projects.

Funded by: Palladium International LLC

Assessment of the Regulatory Compliance and Digitalization Opportunities for the Construction Sector

The objective of this assignment was conducting an analysis to review and reengineer the existing building approval process of Maldives, bringing about improved efficiency and transparency as well as taking into account the updated requirements as per the Construction Administrative Regulation (2019), Building Code and compliance documents being developed by the Government. One of the main outputs of this assignment was a TOR that outlines the requirements, structure and functions of an online portal that facilitates the building approval process as well as other compliance monitoring operations under the Construction Act, for the Government’s financing.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Review of Institutional and Governance Arrangements for Port Management

The main objective of this project was to analyze the current situation in respect of maritime legislation, shipping institutions and port organization to identify gaps that must be filled to bring the FSM up-to-date and in-line with other Pacific Islands, maritime nations that are Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and the international shipping and port communities.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

The overarching purpose of the project was to undertake desk studies to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Development of sector activity on tourism in Djibouti

The purpose of this project was to improve economic opportunities for targeted entrepreneurs, within the framework of the CLE project entitled “Support to Women and Youth Entrepreneurship Project”, and more specifically in the sub-component: “Development of Priority Value Chains of the Project on Improving Access to Services, Financing and Competitive Value Chains for Women and Youth Entrepreneurs (Component 2)”, with tourism identified as a priority value chain.

Funded by: World Bank Group/Center for Leadership and Entrepreneurship

Assessing Airport Programs for Travelers with Disabilities and Older Adults

The objective of the assignment was to prepare a guidebook with assessment tools to help airport develop, monitor, and evaluate programs and services that improve the airport experience for travelers with disabilities and older adults.

Funded by: Transportation Research Board

Solomon Airlines Strategic Planning Workshops

IOS Partners was engaged by the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) to support the Solomon Airlines Board to develop a Strategic Plan for the airline. The Strategic Plan is expected to involve: i.Supporting three workshops for Solomon Airlines management and executive staff, and key aviation stakeholders, and ii.Development of a Solomon Airlines Strategic Plan to guide the direction of the Airline over the next three calendar years from 2022 to 2024.(The Ministry of Communication and Aviation (MCA)

Funded by: Ministry of Communication and Aviation

Consultancy Services for Development of the Port Community System

Consultancy Services for Development of the Port Community System– The overall project objective was to lay the foundations for the development of the Pakistan PCS. This required development of the ‘Business Requirements Specification’ (BRS) to document business requirements for Customs and relevant stakeholders as well as the PCS core processes including the PCS registration scheme, e-payments, integration with the NSW system (under development), the Customs WeBOC system, trade regulators, ports, and other stakeholders.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

LAC-Region Desk Study (DS) for Regional Latina america

The main objective of this project was to support USTDA in evaluating project proposals in the ICT sector submitted from government and private sector representatives.(Location within Region: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, and Paraguay, Belize, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guyana, Honduras, and Jamaica).

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Collateral Registry System for Qatar(QCSD)

The overall goal of this assignment is to establish a web‐based Registry for notices of secured transactions that will be accessible to all users for both registration of notices and searching for existing notices of secured transactions.

Funded by: The Qatar Central Securities Depository

New Design and Implementation of an Electronic Permitting System and One-Stop Shop/(Additional Requirements for Electronic Permitting System and One-Stop Shop)

The overall objective of the assignment is to develop new functions of the Electronic Permitting System and One-Stop Shop for the processing of the construction permit approvals in Antigua and Barbuda.

Funded by: Ministry of Telecommunications, and Information Technology

Feasibility study for the establishment of a sea cucumber hatchery in Ambanja

This hatchery will aim to provide juveniles to small local producers in order to promote village aquaculture of sea cucumbers with proven socio-economic benefits (net increase in the standard of living of the population, promotion of employment for women and youth, etc.). In collaboration with Indian Ocean Trepang (IOT), IOS Partners is carrying out the technical, socio-economic and financial feasibility studies for the project to set up a sea cucumber hatchery/nursery on the site selected by the MAEP.

Funded by: World Bank Group / International Development Association

Brazil Airport Concessions Vinci

IOS Partners was engaged by Leadin Aviation Consulting SL to participate in a team providing Technical Advisory services for the 7th Round of Concessions in Brazil. The objective was to support VINCI Airports, IOS Partners’ final client, in the preparation of their bid for an exclusive concession to operate, maintain, finance, develop and expand the 9 Brazilian airports of Cluster SP-MS-PA under a long-term concession agreement.(Leadin Aviation Consulting SL/ VINCI Airports).

Funded by: Leadin Aviation Consulting SL

Consulting Services for Development of a Regional Aviation Strategy

The main objective of this project was to prepare the PRAS to support Pacific States and the aviation industry align with the Pacific culture, ICAO safety and security requirements as well as create a pathway for a safe and sustainable development of the aviation system for the Pacific region.

Funded by: World Bank Group/Pacific Aviation Safety Office

Transaction Advisory Services in the partial privatization of Allied Timbers

IOS Partners was engaged by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development of Zimbabwe(ATZ).

Phase I: Strategy and Preparation of the Transaction: covering financial due diligence and company analysis, financial review, legal due diligence, business and biological assets valuation, the development of a privatization strategy, and the preparation of bid documentation for the partial privatization of ATZ.

Funded by: African Development Bank

Review and Update of the 28 Vision 2030 Jamaica – Sector Plans

IOS Partners was engaged by the Government of Jamaica (GoJ), represented by the Ministry of Finance & the Public Service. The main goal of this project was to review and update the 28 Sector Plans of Vision 2030 Jamaica.

Funded by: The Ministry of Finance & the Public Service

The Integration of the Hire-Purchase Bill Requirements into the Moveable Collateral Registry System of Guyana

The Integration of the Hire-Purchase Bill Requirements into the Moveable Collateral Registry System of Guyana–The overall objective of this project is to digitize hire and purchase financial instruments into the electronic Moveable Collateral Registry/Secured Transactions Registry (STR), recommend business and functional requirements that need to be developed to support the successful integration and implementation of the proposed Hire Purchase Bill with the secured transactions solution, and if required propose recommendations for legal adjustments for operational integration with the Moveable Collateral Registry System.

Funded by: Inter-American Development Bank

Consultancy Firm for Tourism Business Consultant

The overall objective of this consultancy was to ensure that REDI II develops and incorporates a sound business development approach and strategies for the implementation of Project and its subprojects, while keeping to its Project Development Objectives.

Funded by: World Bank Group/Social Investment Fund

Agricultural Market Analysis (AMA)

IOS Partners was engaged to support MCC in conducting an assessment of the agriculture market in Sierra Leone and identify local, regional and international market opportunities for local products.The main objective of the project was to validate or refute the assumption that Sierra Leone has several value chains that can bring substantial benefits to the country through investments in both power infrastructure and acces.

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Brazil Airport Concessions Vinci

IOS Partners was engaged by Leadin Aviation Consulting SL to participate in a team providing Technical Advisory services for the 7th Round of Concessions in Brazil. The objective was to support VINCI Airports, IOS Partners’ final client, in the preparation of their bid for an exclusive concession to operate, maintain, finance, develop and expand the 8 Brazilian airports of Cluster SP-MS-PA under a long-term concession agreement.

Funded by: VINCI Airports

Specialized ICT Support Services to WEConnect International

The overall objective of this project was to support women-owned businesses and member buyers wishing to engage with WEConnect. For this, the Customer Support Services on behalf of WEConnect International is required.

Funded by: WEConnect International

Technical Assistance for the Central Bank of Solomon Islands ICT Modernization Roadmap

Technical Assistance for the Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) in the modernization of its ICT infrastructure and core banking applications to increase CBSI’s effectiveness in the performance of its banking functions and its role as the regulator of Solomon Islands’ banking sector.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development

Technical, Financial and Economic Feasibility Study to Operate a Construction Permit Entity

The overall objective of this project was to Conduct a technical, financial and economic feasibility study to operate a construction permit entity.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Regional Indo-Pacific: for 2022-2023 Indo-Pacific Aviation Definitional Mission (DM)

Under this non-personal services Definitional Mission (“DM”) the purpose of the project is to support USTDA’s decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support aviation activities in the Indo-Pacific Region. .(USTDA-2022-2023).

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Design, Develope, and Implement Phase II of the National Business Portal Project

Conducted an “As Is” Analysis, and produced a “To-Be Study” in order to assist the creation of a National Business Portal (NBP) that complements and supports the implementation of the Policy through the development of an online platform that houses the Business-to-Government online interface for all Government entities involved in the investment or business facilitation process. As part of Phase 3, IOS Partners was engaged to develop the procurement documents for the design, development, and implementation of the NBP.

Funded by: Planning Institute of Jamaica/JAMPRO

New Single Window (NSW) Programme Management Support

The objective of the Project service is * The Establishment of Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Data Centre which will enable confidentiality, integrity and availability of the ICT systems that support business functions of the Ministry of Interior.(Ministry of Transport and Communications, 2023-2026)

Funded by: Ministry of Transport and Communications

Supply and Installation of Hardware and Software for Saint Lucia Collateral Registry – OECS Regional Tourism Competitiveness

Ministry of Tourism, Investment, Creative Industries, Culture and Information (MTICICI) – The objective of the Project is to Design and implement a web-based movable collateral registry system for the Ministry of Tourism, Investment, Creative Industries, Culture and Information (MTICICI).

Funded by: World Bank Group

Review of Policies and Legislation and Development of recommendations on necessary reforms to implement:

IOS Partners was engaged by the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Information Technology (MFEPIT)- to review and draft amendments to the national policies and legislations and to develop recommendations for the efficient and effective Digital Transformation of GoSVG services.

Funded by: Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Information Technology

Development of Frameworks for Implementation of ATA Carnet System in Jamaica

IOS Partners was engaged by the Government of Jamaica (GoJ), represented by the Planning Institute of Jamaica, to analyze and develop a roadmap that details the requirements, steps and recommendations for Jamaica to adopt and implement the ATA Carnet System.–The overall project objective was to advance and improve Jamaica’s trade facilitation by reducing the bureaucratic barriers to the process of importation and exportation.

Funded by: Planning Institute of Jamaica

Management Support for Project Supervision and Quality Assurance of the National Single Window Implementation

The main objective of this assignment is to Management Support for Project Supervision and Quality Assurance of the National Single Window Implementation.

Funded by: Ministry of Finance and Economy

Lalibela Protection, Restoration and Development Project

The overall aim of this assignment is to assist EHA with human and technical means for the effective management of the protection, restoration and development of the Lalibela UNESCO World Heritage Site; and to enhance EHA staff capacity building program for heritage management and conservation. (Ethiopian Heritage Authority

Funded by: Ethiopian Heritage Authority

Feasibility Study for the Investment and Development of the 10 Main Airports of ADEMA

The main objective of the mission is to carry out a feasibility investment and development study for its ten (10) airports, Antsiranana, Sambava, Mahajanga, Toamasina, Sainte-Marie, Morondova, Fianarantsoa, Mananjary, Toliara and Taolagnaro, as a first step in drawing up its master plan, its Program Contract and the standardization project for its airport infrastructure.

Funded by: Evolutis

Samoa Airway’s Turbo prob Operations Options Analysis

Overall, the project aims to provide the Government of Samoa with a comprehensive assessment of domestic operations, clear insights into the “open sky” policy, and well-informed recommendations regarding potential amendments to existing Air Service Agreements (ASAs).

Funded by: World Bank Group

Development of Secured Transactions Registry

The primary objective of this project is to bolster the development, growth, and financial accessibility of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).

Funded by: Ministry of Trade, Industry, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Project to Strengthen The Competitiveness Of Micro, Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises And Access To Finance In Guinea

Access to Market Program

Review of Feasibility study and Design for a Mandatory Inspection Station for Fish Products – Conducted a review of the feasibility study and design for a mandatory inspection station for fish products.

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Technical Assistance to Agricultural Exporters in Hungary

IOS Principals undertook a detailed analysis of existing agricultural exports from Hungary, the markets they were exported to, and confirmed volumes and trends. A quick “hit list” was developed of specific products that had a good chance to increase exports to Western markets was developed.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Improvement of the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Inspection and Compliance Regime

Assisted in opening new markets for Burkinabe agricultural products by improving the accuracy and reliability of government inspections and certification documents, training inspectors and recommending appropriate laboratory equipment for inspection.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Technical Assistance for the Development of a Strategy to Promote the Bagré Site

Developed a strategy to increase economic activity through private investment, generate employment and enhance agricultural production in the Bagré Growth Pole. This included structuring viable transactions in the area and providing technical assistance for the identification and selection of private investors.

Funded by: World Bank Group and Maison de l’Entreprise du Burkina Faso,

Feasibility Study for SOBFEL fruits & vegetables processing facility

Conducted a cost-benefit analysis of investing in a value-added fruit and vegetable processing facility, including a market assessment and business strategy, assessment of production capacity and equipment requirements, and an impact assessment for SOBFEL, a PPP created to improve market development for fresh and processed fruits and vegetables in Burkina Faso.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Consulting Services for Value Chain Development and Training/advisory Services Provider

The objective of the assignment is to provide technical support to the Smallholder Agriculture Development Project (SADP) II Project Management Unit (PMU) with the implementation of Component 2 in Lesotho i.e. Improving the Agricultural Commercialization and Nutrition.This component is centered on the development of high potential value chains that would result in the integration of a greater number of smallholder producers, incentivize contract farming, strengthen vertical alliances by building partnerships between farmers and agri-businesses and promote enterprise operations towards more lucrative domestic and export markets.

Funded by: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security

Consulting Services to Develop Site-Specific Proposals for Community and Investor Partnership Models in Horticulture

IOS Partners, Inc. was contracted by the Millennium Challenge Account Lesotho II to identify, attract, and qualify potential foreign and domestic investors into the four (4) irrigation schemes that will be constructed and financed under the USD 118.6 million fund for the Market Driven Irrigated Horticulture (MDIH) Project.

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Impact Evaluation and Quantitative Population-Based Surveys for USAID/Mali’s Feed the Future (FTF) Cereal Value Chain (CVC) Activity

Engaged on a multi-year activity as a prime contractor to conduct an evaluation of the USAID/Mali’s Feed the Future (FTF) Cereal Value Chain (CVC) Activity. The evaluation aimed to capture the value of USAID investments in Mali and assess the effectiveness of USAID’s value chain approach as a driver of inclusive economic development, allowing for more effective resource allocation and management decisions. IOS Partners designed and implemented quantitative surveys for over 5,500 households and collected qualitative data from key informants and focus groups. Conducted statistically representative population-based surveys, including baseline and mid-term data surveys for key FTF high-level indicators related to Household Economic Status, Women’s Empowerment, Hunger and Dietary Intake, as well as the resilience indicator ‘depth of poverty’ in the Zone of Influence. Introduced the OH methodology to CVC management and M&E staff. This novel approach generated outcomes information on target communities and various stakeholders that complemented CVC’s required indicators. The OH report (2016) provided CVC and USAID/Mali a potential “map” for corrective actions to enhance positive outcomes (foreseen or not) and to minimize negative outcomes.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Elaboration and updating of the application texts of the new law on the Fishing and Aquaculture Code in Madagascar

The main objective of the consortium IOS Partners – Mamia Consulting – GEOSYSTEMS was to ensure, in collaboration with the technical directorates of the DGPA, the availability of the decrees and orders of application of the law 2015-053 on the fishing and aquaculture code, from their conception to their adoption in the council of ministers or the government.

Funded by: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of Madagascar, SWIOFish 2, World Bank Group

Development of the Fisheries Management Plan (PAP) for the region Anosy, Diana, Sava, Sofia

The overall objective of the study was to provide technical support to the MPEB and the stakeholders for the development of the Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) for the region concerned. This FMP consisted of a strategic, integrated and participatory spatial planning tool, in order to allow for a better management and a rational use of the fisheries resources.

Funded by: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of Madagascar, World Bank Group

Technical Assistance for Cold Storage of Palm Dates

Conducted a comprehensive study to identify the specific needs of and feasibility for date cold storage and associated postharvest handling infrastructure, including value-added product agro-processing facilities that would help reduce the losses in quantity and quality of dates in Morocco

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

National Tuna Development and Management Plan

IOS Partners, Inc., in association with our subcontractor James Michel – Blue Economy Research Institute (BERI), has been selected to ensure the Seychelles National Tuna Development and Management Plan, with the Ministry of Fisheries and Blue Economy to Undertake comprehensive, multi-stakeholder sector planning to promote the effective and holistic development, management, conservation, and equitable use of tuna resources in the Seychelles.

Funded by: Blue Economy, Ministry of Fisheries and Blue Economy, SWIOFish 3, World Bank Group

Technical Assistance for the Monitoring of Incentives in Northern, North-Eastern, Southern regions and in Grande Anse

The main objective is to increase the productivity of small farmers and fishermen in the departments of Nord.

Funded by: Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development / Inter-American Development Bank

Restructuring Advisory Services to BIMAN Bangladesh Airlines

Led the restructuring and optimization of route planning for the state-owned and quasi-commercially operated Airline in order to improve its financial situation and avoid bankruptcy.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Diagnostic Analysis for the Privatization of Air Bosna

Assessed the company’s aviation business, valued routes, analyzed the company’s financial position to determine whether Air Bosna had enough commercial potential to be privatized and, provided the Government with PPP options.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Transfer of Air Traffic Management Services

Undertook a detailed analysis of the delivery and costs associated with air traffic management services and the potential of transferring the operation of all or part of these services to the private sector.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Bahia Statewide Airport Modernization Project

Carried out a feasibility study to determine near and longer-term improvements at the Feira de Santana Airport. Prepared a Statewide Program of needed improvements and priorities to develop night operations at airports, including communications and navigation improvements, in accordance with international and Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC – the Brazilian agency responsible for the regulation and the safety oversight of civil aviation) safety norms and air traffic levels.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency and the Bahia State Infrastructure Secretariat

Specialized Consulting Services for Studies of the Airport Operation Plan

Assisted the São Paulo State Government to prepare expansion plans and attract private sector firms to take part in the development, management and operation of twenty-two (22) airports being operated by the Departamento Aeroviário do Estado de São Paulo.

Funded by: DAESP

Technical Assistance for Concession of Cameroon Airport

Developed a privatization strategy for the airports of Cameroon, drafted tender documents and identified concessionaires.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Development of a National Airport Strategy, and Airport and Ground Handling Services Concession

Developed an ambitious national airport and concession strategy and assessed options for a ground handling concession, including the implementation of a new airport concession strategy.

Funded by: Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority

Saskatoon Airport Food/Beverage Commercial Review and Recommendations

Reviewed the food/beverage operations at Saskatoon John G. Diefenbaker International Airport (Saskatoon) to determine the current food/beverage operator’s ability to provide acceptable services and revenue to Saskatoon.

Funded by: Saskatoon Airport Authority

Civil Aviation Legal Framework

The overarching purpose of the project was to work closely with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and the Ministry of Tourism and Transport of Cape Verde, and other relevant stakeholders in the assessment and relevant adjustment of the civil aviation legal framework in view of making it responsive to the present and future challenges of air transport development. Included an assessment of the legal and regulatory frameworks for airport PPPs.

Funded by: World Bank Group ,TSRP

Technical Assistance for Caribbean Airports Certification Process (Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis, St Vincent and the Grenadines & Suriname)

Developed procurement strategies consistent with ICAO standards and identified deficiencies to facilitate certification through the creation of master airport safety plans and airport certification manuals for CASSOS member states.

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency/CASSOS

Lenders’ Technical & Traffic Advisory Services for the Santiago International Airport (Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport) Concession

In association with the Louis Berger Group, provided technical advice to the Lenders for the expansion of the Santiago International Airport throughout the tender process up to the financial close date.

Funded by: Agencias Universales S.A/Concesiones Viarias Chile Tres S.A

Route Development of International Air Services

Provided successful consulting services for the Costa Rican Ministry of Tourism, in 3 phases, including analyzing new markets in terms of international passengers/tourists that have visited Costa Rica, and consequently defining a strategy for new international routes – or new frequencies of existing routes – that will increase the arrival of international passengers/tourists to the country.

Funded by: Ministry of Tourism

Technical Bid Advisory Services for the Concession Process of Cuban Airports

Assisted in providing financial advisory services as part of the project “Technical Bid Advisory Services for the Concession Process of Four (4) Cuban Airports (VRA, SNU, CCC y HOG). The objective was to support Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide (FRAPORT) in the preparation of its bid to be awarded a concession agreement by the Cuban Airports and Aeronautical Services Company (ECASA) to develop and operate these airports.

Funded by: Ministry of Toursm

Restructuring of Ecuatoriana Airlines

IOS Principals undertook an in-depth restructuring of the airline, including the reengineering of all financial, operational and administrative processes, as well as identified appropriate privatization strategies for the airline

Funded by: Ministry of Tourism

Privatization of Guayaquil International Airport

Managed the airport concession strategy development for Guayaquil International Airport (Consejo Nacional de Modernización del Estado.

Funded by: Consejo Nacional de Modernización del Estado

Concession of Quito International Airport

Undertook a strategic study of the airport and developed options for private sector participation, including asset valuation of airport systems and facilities, airport facility, and systems costing .

Funded by: Inter-American Development Bank

Master Plan Study for Egypt Future National Airports Development and identification of a Pipeline of Potential Public-Private Partnerships

Supported the Government of Egypt’s efforts to rationalize its future interventions in the Egyptian aviation sector through the development of a National Airports Master Plan for Egypt and the identification of a pipeline of potential Public-Private Partnerships .

Funded by: World Bank Group

Reorganization and Airport Capacity Building Project

Developed a strategy to enhance the commercial potential of nineteen Egyptian airports and established an incentive-driven management, which led to improved efficiency in operations at the existing and new terminals of the airports. Undertook training and development of the human capital at each of these airports in order to reach international best practice levels.

Funded by: Egyptian Holding Company for Airports and Air Navigation

Feasibility Studies for a PPP for the AIESMOARG Air Cargo Terminal

Conducted an analysis of the feasibility of the development of a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) for possible inclusion in a Public Private Partnership (PPP) for the Air Cargo Terminal. Conducted a demand study, determined businesses’ profiles that might be interested in the SEZ, developed a real estate business model for the airport, and analyzed alternate organizational arrangements for managing the SEZ.

Funded by: Ministry of Tourism

New International Airport of Heraklion – Traffic Study

Prepared a report detailing the assumptions, methodologies and results of a base case air traffic forecast for the New Heraklion International Airport for the 2016-2054 period, and conducted annual forecasts on passenger traffic (International Schengen, International Non-Schengen, Domestic), Commercial Passenger Aircraft Movements (Schengen/Non-Schengen), Aircraft Movements (ICAO code), movements by aircraft type for key reference years, and air cargo movements (imports/exports).

Funded by: TERNA S.A

Due Diligence Services for the Concession of the Toussaint Louverture International Airport and Les Cayes Airport

Provided support to the Government of Haiti, under contract to Blue Ocean Harvest, to establish possible tariff structures and the list of conditions required to make Les Cayes Airport a viable concession opportunity.

Funded by: (Blue Ocean Harvest

Provision of ICAO Safety Management System (SMS) Workshop at the Hong Kong International Airport

elivered a workshop for Hong Kong International Airport airfield staff members to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to facilitate the design, implementation, and maintenance of an operationally effective SMS that meets the standards prescribed in the International Civil Aviation Code Annex 14 and related guidance material.

Funded by: Hon g Kong Aviation Authority

Baghdad International Airport PPP

Technical and commercial advisors supporting an IFC team in the preparation of the due diligence studies and bidding documents, as well as provide transaction advisory services for the identification and selection of a private sponsor for the Project under a PPP agreement with the Iraqi Department of Transportation.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Bid Advisory Services for the GAU Airport

IOS Partners provided Technical Due Diligence and Bid Advisory Services in order to support Global Infrastructure Partners India in their evaluation for the Concession for Operations, Management and Development of Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport (Gau) in Guwahati, India.

Funded by: Global Infrastructure Partners

Airport Safety Oversight and Advanced Technologies Workshop

Designed and organized the APEC Airports Safety Oversight and Advanced Technologies Workshop to assist APEC economies in identifying and improving on internal weaknesses or findings in their aerodrome certification oversight and inspection programs based on the requirements of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 14 – Aerodromes.

Funded by: APEC Secretariat and FAA

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision for the Greenfield Terminal Building at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA)

Reviewed the designs, tender/contract documentation and construction phasing plan completed by the design contractor. Conducted a review of the commercial and financial viability to invest in the construction of the Greenfield Terminal.

Funded by: Kenya Airport Authority

State-owned Enterprises Restructuring Advisor for Lao Airlines

Developed an enterprise restructuring plan for Lao Airlines to im prove its operational and financial performance.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Technical Assistance for Institutional support for Civil Aviation in Madagascar

The aim of this project is to provide ACM with the appropriate solutions to strengthen its internal organization system in order to demonstrate its resilience, and to acquire financial control by proposing alternative ways of financing and rationalizing resources, with a view to coping effectively with shocks emanating from an unfavorable sectoral context, and from new and emerging challenges.

Funded by: PDDR, World Bank Group

Elaboration of a new Civil Aviation Code and its Detailed Application Texts

Developed a new Civil Aviation Code with the main application texts to form the core of the regulatory system of the civil action sector

Funded by: Ministry of Transport

Air Transport Liberalization and Civil Aviation Regulatory Body Restructuring

IOS Principals facilitated the implementation of a new civil aviation regulatory framework and the development of the necessary legal instruments and created and implemented institutions responsible for monitoring and enforcing economic and technical regulations and financing of the new regulatory boards.

Funded by: Comité de Privatization, Government of Madagascar,World Bank Group

Private Sector Participation/ Privatization of Airports in Madagascar

Advised the Government of Madagascar and the IFC on the evaluation of all the technical aspects of the airports privatization, including preparing the transaction structure and marketing strategy.

Funded by: International Finance Corporation

Technical Assistance to Develop the National Air Transport Strategy

Developed a national air transport strategy to promote the tourism sector and enhance economic development, and provided advice on the legal and technical feasibility of implementing a tax on airline tickets to finance the promotion of Madagascar as a tourism destination, and the development of two Terms of Reference; one for the National Airport Master Plan, and a second one to support Air Madagascar in conducting an organizational audit and providing transaction advisory services to search for a strategic partner.

Funded by: Coordination Nationale du projet Pôles Intégrés de Croissance et Corridors

Consultancy Services for Selection of a Strategic Partner for Air Madagascar and Financial Close of the Strategic Partnership’s Transaction (Phase I & II

Advised on the development of the air transport sector and served as transaction advisor for a strategic partnership for Air Madagascar. Successfully managed and brought to financial close the partnership, bringing in Air Austral of Reunion Islands (France) as a strategic partner.

Funded by: Coordination Nationale du Projet Pôles Intégrés de Croissance et Corridors

Advisory Services on the Privatization of Air Malawi

Recommended a strategy for privatization of the airline based on due diligence and diagnostic process of operations; recommended efficiency improvements; identified options for divestiture and government engagement in the sale; valued assets and prepared financial projections; designed bid evaluation criteria; and, effectively managed and oversaw the privatization transaction.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Options for Regional Aviation Supply & Long-Term Sustainability of Regional Aviation Infrastructure Pacific Islands -(Countries covered: Tuvalu, Kiribati and Tonga).

Undertook a study to develop options for improving regional aviation supply and to develop options for countries in the region to develop and maintain supporting infrastructure on a sustainable basis.

Funded by: Pacific Aviation Investment Program / World Bank Group

Airline Options for Pacific Aviation Sustainability – Aviation Planning and Financing

The main objective of this assignment is to support post COVID-19 Pacific aviation recovery and sustainability in line with the outcome and follow up actions of the recent RAMM meeting by supporting the Association of South Pacific Airlines (ASPA) select and implement the most optimum regional option for Pacific airline strategic alliance.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank

Aviation Sector Strategy

Developed an Aviation Sector Strategy for the Government of Samoa by making a market assessment, reviewing the current structure of the international and domestic aviation sector, analyzing the operational and strategic role of all airports and identifying infrastructure requirements, identifying and assessing current policies, alternative policy options and institutional options, and finally identifying any required legislative and regulatory changes.

Funded by: Pacific Aviation Investment Program and World Bank Group

Revising executive regulations to defend the interests of General Authority of Civil Aviation customers

The overall objective of the project was to update the existing executive regulations to protect the rights of customers in order to keep pace with the dynamic developments in the field of civil aviation, and to align these with the strategy of the General Authority of Civil Aviation emanating from the Saudi Vision 2030.

Funded by: General Authority of Civil Aviation

Independent Review of AfDB’s Non-Sovereign Operations

IOS Partners conducted a “desk” review of the non-sovereign operations (NSO) portfolio and operational statistical data. The IOS team conducted comprehensive interviews with key stakeholders of the PSD/PSO Ecosystem, including with members of Senior Management and the Board of Directors, and evaluated the portfolio qualitatively and quantitatively.

Funded by: African Development Bank

Development Bank & Barbados National Bank-Analysis & Restructuring

IOS Principals conducted a review of the internal operations and strategic plans of the two Banks and developed restructuring options.

Funded by: Inter-American Development Bank

Growth and Competitiveness Project – Project to Create the Postal Bank of Cape Verde

Provided the basis and the technical guidelines to allow the Postal Service of Cape Verde to analyse the market, develop an institutional solution and conduct a financial feasibility to explore the possibility of creating a Postal Bank in Cape Verde.

Funded by: Ministry of Economy, Growth and Competitiveness of Cape Verde

Development of Long-Term Finance Capacity -(Countries covered: Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon)– CEMAC Region ).

Provided technical assistance to the regional development bank, the Banque de Développement des Etats de L’Afrique Centrale (BDEAC), to help the institution implement its business plan.

Funded by: Emerging Markets Economics Ltd

Development of Capital Markets in Support of Pension Reform

Implemented the first phase of the Chinese Government’s Pension Reform project that did comprise: the Development of Administrative System and the Legal, Regulatory and Supervisory Framework Underpinning the New Pension System.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank/Ministry of Finance

Development of Administrative System and the Legal, Regulatory and Supervisory Framework Underpinning the New Pension System

Assisted in the implementation of the administrative system for the unified pension system; provided advice on appropriate design, including software and hardware needed for the implementation of an efficient pension system administration; assessed proposals and presented recommendations for legal reform needed to implement pension system reform; provided advice and assistance on the implementation of the regulatory and supervisory system for the pension system; continued assessment of actuarial, financial, and economic implications of reforms.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank/Ministry of Finance

Review of Pension (Superannuation) and Insurance Schemes

Engaged on a technical assistance to review and revise the current superannuation pension and insurance schemes, as well as welfare benefits covering public and private sector employees with regard to their breadth of coverage, adequacy and comprehensiveness of the benefits and protection provided, as well as funding and long-term sustainability.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank

National Bank Of Ethiopia Human Resource Management

Reviewed, commented, and assisted in the implementation of the comprehensive restructuring study recommendations prepared by KPMG via-a-vis the ongoing HR Business Process Re-engineering Project in the Bank, which was expected to bring radical changes in the HRM Process.

Funded by: The National Bank of Ethiopia /World Bank Group

Strengthening the Framework for Banking Regulation and Supervision for the National Bank of Ethiopia

Provided consultancy services to the National Bank of Ethiopia with an aim to modernize and strengthen the regulatory and supervisory activities of its Banking Supervision Department, including developing a framework for the implementation of International Finance Reporting Standards and International Auditing Standards, draft regulations for a Deposit Insurance Scheme and recommendations on IT-based bank supervision.

Funded by: National Bank of Ethiopia

Economic Competitiveness Project

IOS Partners was contracted by ECP to “update the four sector studies, (sectors: 1. Specialized Textile and 2. Clothing , Remote Business Services and Software and IT Development , 3. Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 4. Medical Devices), as well as to develop a benchmarking analysis and proposal for a financial incentive plan to position El Salvador as an ideal place for the establishment of new foreign investment projects.

Funded by: Palladium Group,The United States Agency for International Development

Study of Options for the Divestiture of Social Security and Housing Finance Corporation

Conducted a comprehensive diagnostic of the Social Security and Housing Finance Corporation (SSHFC) in Ghana in order to ascertain sustainable divestiture solutions.

Funded by: Government of Gambia

Preparing the Bond Guarantee Fund for India

Under contract to CRISIL, assisted in developing a business plan for the Bond Guarantee Fund for India .

Funded by: Asian Development Bank

Evaluation of Strategic Options for the Reform of the Development Bank of Jamaica’s Wholesale Lending Windows for Agriculture

Provided a set of strategic options that would reduce operating losses, improve the quality of service provided to clients and improve efficiency of the Development Bank of Jamaica Limited (Development Bank Of Jamaica.

Funded by: DBJ/Inter-American Development Bank

Central Collateral Registration Office (CCRO)

IOS’s Director of IT was hired to develop and design documentation for a modernized movable property collateral registration system, including the Terms of Reference for procurement of the software.

Funded by: Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic/World Bank Group

Design, Development and Implementation of a Secured Transactions Registry System

Established a legal and institutional framework and designed and implemented an operational moveable property registry to facilitate and improve access to credit by the Small Medium-Sized Businesses (SME) sector in Laos.

Funded by: World Bank Group/ IFC, Ministry of Finance Laos

Capital Market Regulatory Strengthening: Bank and Non-Bank Financial Institutions Strengthening in Macedonia

Assisted in redesigning the pension system for Macedonia and strengthening the country’s emerging private pension fund system. Advised the government in their efforts to stabilize the state-run pension systems and therefore reduce the government’s burdens on enterprises and government budgets.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development and Emerging Markets Group, Ltd

Enhancement of the Social Security System

Reassessed the existing social welfare and social security benefits, identified various issues on sustaining a viable financing structure, prepared a social policy framework in line with this sustainable financing model and existing budgetary constraints, and devised a new budgetary and public expenditure framework in line with existing cash and in-kind benefit entitlements.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank, 2002-03). (Also under Health & Social Services)

Design and Implementation of Single Information System of Beneficiaries (SISB)

Designed a Single Information System of Beneficiaries for Belize, including construction of the Beneficiary Targeting Index, design and population of the Single Beneficiary Registry and conducting household survey in the Stann Creek and Toledo Districts.

Funded by: Ministry of Economic Development, Commerce and Industry and Consumer Protection.

SOSAC II – Policy Reform of Disability Program

Reviewed the programs of well-being and the disability of the pension system programs and analyzed the costs. Prepared an actuarial model to measure the obligations of the State and to propose alternatives to the current system.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Social Sector Technical Assistant Credit (SOTAC)

Technical Assistance for Reform of Social Assistance and Disability Programs – Articulated and implemented a social welfare strategy to address the challenges of social and child protection systems that led to reforms in social and child welfare policies, institutional arrangements, and financing strategies. This reduced the sharp disparities in coverage of the current safety net and adjusted inherited legislated entitlements to focus on core programs more consistent with existing fiscal and institutional capacity.

Funded by: PIU PELRP of Federation Bosnia and Development and Employment Foundation Ministry of Health – Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Social Insurance Technical Assistance Project (SITAP): Social Insurance Administration Advisors (Sub-Component 1.2)

Provided services to assist in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the social insurance contribution collection, reporting, control and enforcement system; assisted in the development of a more transparent system of reporting by extra-budgetary social insurance funds; assisted in the creation of the policy and legal framework for expanded social insurance coverage; recommended improvements in pension expenditure management; and, organized study tours and training.

Funded by: Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina and Srpska Republika

Social Insurance Technical Assistance Project (SITAP) Developing Policy Framework for Social Insurance Component: Subcomponent 1.5b – Horizontal Functional Review and Process Redesign

Reviewed the organizational arrangements, structure,s and systems for the design, coordination, and evaluation of pension policy and pensions administration within and between key Government Ministries; evaluated the remits and functions of relevant Government Ministries and agencies; and, recommended specific systemic steps and reforms to improve policy making, coordination and the effectiveness of pension administration within and between each Ministry.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Pension Reform Project

Led the USAID IT Team to reform the public pension system and strengthen the emerging private pension fund system in Bulgaria, as well as to guide the government in their effort to stabilize the state-run pension systems and thus reduce their burdens on enterprises and government budgets .

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Strategic Information Technology Plan for the Unified Collection Agency (URA)

IOS’s Director of IT assisted in the preparation of a Strategic Information Technology Plan for the Unified Collection Agency (UCA) in Bulgaria, which covered an assessment of the current information systems, architecture and organizational structure of the UCA.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Assessment and Conceptual Design of a Regional Health Management Information System

Determined business requirements and developed a detailed conceptual design for a Regional Health Management Information System in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States.(Caribbean – Eastern –(St. Lucia, Dominica, Grenada, St. Vincent & the Grenadine)

Funded by: Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States

Development of Administrative System and the Legal, Regulatory, and Supervisory Framework Underpinning the New Pension System

Assisted in the implementation of the administrative system for the unified pension system; provided advice on appropriate design, including software and hardware needed for the implementation of an efficient pension system administration; assessed proposals and presented recommendations for legal reform needed to implement pension system reform; provided advice and assistance on the implementation of the regulatory and supervisory system for the pension system; continued assessment of actuarial, financial, and economic implications of reform.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank/Ministry of Finance

Review of Pension (Superannuation) and Insurance Schemes

Engaged on a technical assistance to review and revise the current superannuation pension and insurance schemes, as well as welfare benefits covering public and private sector employees with regard to their breadth of coverage, adequacy and comprehensiveness of the benefits and protection provided, as well as funding and long-term sustainability.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank

Pension Reform Project (Regulation, Collection and Control)

Led efforts to create a standardized and integrated process for affiliation, collection, and benefit payment of the two main public organizations, the Social Security Institute for Pensions Unit and the Public Employees Pension’s Institute.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Sustainable Financing and Reform of the Health Sector to Improve Effectiveness, Efficiency and Quality of Care

Defined policies and developed strategic and implementation plans to inform projects/programs intended to protect and enhance the health gains of the population, particularly Jamaica’s most vulnerable groups, in a sustainable and efficient manner.

Funded by: Inter-American Development Bank

Process Reengineering of Pension Administration and Management

Performed a reassessment and redesign of the pension administration and management process to achieve dramatic improvements in the timeliness of the pension process.

Funded by: Government of Jamaica/Ministry of Labour and Social Security

Consultancy for the Development of a 10 Year Strategic Plan for the Health Sector in Jamaica

Defined policies and developed strategic and implementation plans to inform projects/programs intended to protect and enhance the health gains of the population, particularly Jamaica’s most vulnerable groups, in a sustainable and efficient manner.

Funded by: GoJ/Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

Process Reengineering of Pension Payment Process

Introduced substantial innovations in the structures and processes involved in pension administration and management of all public employees, reducing the time to calculate and process pension payments from 332 days to a maximum of 30 days from the effective retirement date.

Funded by: Government of Jamaica/Ministry of Labour and Social Security

Capacity Building for Pension Reform Project TA No. 2910-Kaz

IOS Principals assisted in the training and capacity building/ strengthening for the implementation of a financial management, accounting and administrative reporting system for the National Pension Agency, the oversight agency for pension funds companies in Kazakhstan.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank

Central Database for Collections & Payments

IOS Principals evaluated and implemented central database structure that would allocate crediting of individual or employee payments into a reliable and up-to-date labor history; advised on necessary IT tools to support new processes and procedures for an integrated collection database.

Funded by: United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK)

Vietnam Social Security Administration Modernization Project (SSAMP)

Undertook a review and conducted high-level business process reengineering to establish business needs for a new Vietnam Social Security Information System (VSSAIS). Laid out a conceptual framework for the development of such a system to inform the design of the SSAMP, including capacity building of VSS and PMU Staff.

Funded by: Vietnam Social Security/World Bank Group

Developing the Social Security System Component B

Led a project to establish a social security system in Vietnam with expanded coverage and financial sustainability. The firm was also responsible for strengthening the institutional capacity of Vietnam Social Security (VSS), as well as upgrading its asset management policy.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank

Consulting Services for the Feasibility Study and Design for Implementing Afghanistan National Single Window (ANSW) and For Preparing Afghanistan Trade Information Portal (ATIP)

Supported the preparation and design of the governance and operational models for the Afghanistan National Single Window (ANSW) and the Afghanistan Trade Information Portal (ATIP) that forms a key reference site for all trade related legal and regulatory requirements, with a focus on identifying the ANSW’s main business functions, underlying processes, ICT architecture, and functional and technical requirements.

Funded by: Afghanistan Customs Department/Ministry of Finance

Design and Implementation of an Electronic Permitting System and One-Stop Shop

Provided consulting services to design and implement an Electronic Permitting System and One-Stop Shop for the processing of the construction permit approvals in Antigua and Barbuda.

Funded by: Inter-American Development Bank

Diagnostic Study to Establish a Moveable Collateral Registry in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas

The scope of the project was to deliver a fully executable template for establishment of the collateral registry, from draft legal arrangements to recommended technology infrastructure and optimal institutional administrative arrangements.

Funded by: Central Bank of The Bahamas

Design and Implementation of Single Information System of Beneficiaries (SISB)

Designed a Single Information System of Beneficiaries for Belize, including construction of the Beneficiary Targeting Index, design and population of the Single Beneficiary Registry and conducting household survey in the Stann Creek and Toledo Districts.

Funded by: Ministry of Economic Development, Commerce and Industry and Consumer Protection.

Collateral Registry System for Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam

Established a modern web-based collateral (for movable property) registry system for the AMBD to facilitate and improve access to credit to the Small and Medium Enterprises sector by financial and non-financial institutions. The collateral registry is in line with the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Getting Credit Indicator. As a result of our work, Brunei increased its position by 60 spots and currently ranks #1 in the world under this category. IOS Partners is currently providing support and maintenance services.

Funded by: Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam

The Enforcement module for Collateral Registry System (CRS)

The overall objective of the assignment is to design, develop and implement new Online Enforcement Module to the Existing Collateral Registry System for Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam.

Funded by: Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam

E-Governance Activity

The purpose of this activity is to support initiatives to increase transparency and decrease corruption in targeted government-led processes, which include interactions between public officials and potential investors, local businesses, and citizens|.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development Bosnia and Herzegovina

Assessment and Conceptual Design of a Regional Health Management Information System

Determined business requirements and developed a detailed conceptual design for a Regional Health Management Information System in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States.(Caribbean – Eastern –(St. Lucia, Dominica, Grenada, St. Vincent & the Grenadine)

Funded by: Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States

Strengthening Trade Policy in Colombia: Design a System for Simultaneous Physical Inspection – Imports

Established an efficient procedure for simultaneous inspection on the import regime that allowed its automation by means of an electronic simultaneous inspection module, VUCE, for all cargo being imported via ports, airports and border crossings.

Funded by: Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Tourism/Inter-American Development Bank

Electronic Invoice Registry Architecture and Design Firm

Conducted diagnostics of the current situation and devised an efficient system to exchange information between the different authorities involved in the inspection process.

Funded by: Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Tourism IFC

CAFTA-DR Regional Trade Program (CRT) – One-Stop-Shop Development – E-government

Hired as a subcontractor to Chemonics, IOS Principals assisted the Salvadoran Customs Directorate (DGA) and the Technical Secretariat of the Presidency (STP) to develop an automated “One-Stop-Shop” portal to fully integrate the governmental processes required for the importation and exportation of goods in El Salvador in order to achieve compliance with the conditions of Chapters 4 and 5 of CAFTA-D.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

CAFTA Promotion Project – USAID – Under contract to Booz Allen

IOS’s Director of IT participated in developing a One Stop Shop or “Ventanilla Unica Virtual” (eCNR) under a Service Oriented Architecture, using open source tool for the Centro Nacional de Registros (CNR).

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Technical Assistance for the Northern Zone Trade Facilitation Portal Project in El Salvador

Assisted the Salvadorian Foundation for Economic and Social Development and the National Investment Promotion Agency of El Salvador to develop an investment promotion web portal and organized roundtables to facilitate trade and investment promotion in the northern region of El Salvador.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Strengthening the Framework for Banking Regulation and Supervision for the National Bank of Ethiopia

Provided consultancy services to the National Bank of Ethiopia with an aim to modernize and strengthen the regulatory and supervisory activities of its Banking Supervision Department, including developing a framework for the implementation of International Finance Reporting Standards and International Auditing Standards, draft regulations for a Deposit Insurance Scheme and recommendations on IT-based bank supervision.

Funded by: National Bank of Ethiopia

Consulting Services for the Technical Support to Modernize the Moveable Collateral Registry in Guyana

IOS experts provided consulting services to modernize Guyana’s electronic registry by establishing a web-based registry for notices of secured transactions of moveable assets that are accessible to all users and allow for the registration of notices as well as searching for existing notices of secured transactions.

Funded by: Inter-American Development Bank

Development of fee-based business model for e-government procurement system

The scope of the project is to support the development of a fee-based business model to sustain the e-GP system and its service.

Funded by: High Council for Public Procurement Policies and the World Bank Group

Process Reengineering of Pension Payment Process

Introduced substantial innovations in the structures and processes involved in pension administration and management of all public employees, reducing the time to calculate and process pension payments from 332 days to a maximum of 30 days from the effective retirement date.

Funded by: Government of Jamaica/Ministry of Labour and Social Security

Capacity Building for Pension Reform Project TA No. 2910-Kaz

IOS Principals assisted in the training and capacity building/ strengthening for the implementation of a financial management, accounting and administrative reporting system for the National Pension Agency, the oversight agency for pension funds companies in Kazakhstan.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank

Central Collateral Registration Office (CCRO)

IOS’s Director of IT was hired to develop and design documentation for a modernized movable property collateral registration system, including the Terms of Reference for procurement of the software.

Funded by: Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic/World Bank Group

Design, Development and Implementation of a Secured Transactions Registry System

Established a legal and institutional framework and designed and implemented an operational moveable property registry to facilitate and improve access to credit by the Small Medium-Sized Businesses (SME) sector in Laos.

Funded by: World Bank/ IFC, Ministry of Finance Laos

Development of an Investor Tracking Solution (ITS)

Developed and implemented an Investor Tracking Solution (ITS), including delivery of the training sessions in order to better track investments and have access to information to attract further investment opportunities.

Funded by: Ministry of Trade and Industry, Cooperatives and Marketing

Assessment of the Regulatory Compliance and Digitalization Opportunities for the Construction Sector

The objective of this assignment was conducting an analysis to review and reengineer the existing building approval process of Maldives, bringing about improved efficiency and transparency as well as taking into account the updated requirements as per the Construction Administrative Regulation (2019), Building Code and compliance documents being developed by the Government. One of the main outputs of this assignment was a TOR that outlines the requirements, structure and functions of an online portal that facilitates the building approval process as well as other compliance monitoring operations under the Construction Act, for the Government’s financing.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Re-engineering of the Nepal Central Bank (NRB) and Supervision of Commercial Bank Restructuring

Provided comprehensive technical assistance to support the NRB in implementing an extensive re-engineering program and enhanced NRB’s role through effective regulations and supervision, implementation of international standards, improved transparency and administrative practices and design of a program for the development and implementation of a modern central bank IT department.

Funded by: World Bank Group and Nepal Rastra Bank

USAID CAFTA Promotion Project

Under contract with FMI, IOS’s Director of IT assisted in the design and development of a web-based application for computerizing the Register of Trademarks and Intellectual Property (eRPINIC) for the Government of Nicaragua .

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Collateral Registry System for Qatar(QCSD)

The overall goal of this assignment is to establish a web‐based Registry for notices of secured transactions that will be accessible to all users for both registration of notices and searching for existing notices of secured transactions.

Funded by: The Qatar Central Securities Depository

LAC-Region Desk Study (DS) for Regional Latina america

The main objective of this project was to support USTDA in evaluating project proposals in the ICT sector submitted from government and private sector representatives. (Location within Region: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, and Paraguay, Belize, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guyana, Honduras, and Jamaica).

Funded by: United States Trade and Development Agency

Design, Develop and Implement Phase 2B of the National Business Portal (NBP)

IOS Partners, Inc. was contracted by the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) to undertake the Design, Develop and Implement Phase 2B of the Jamaica Business Gateway (JBG) formerly known as the National Business Portal (NBP) Project

Funded by: Planning Institute of Jamaica

Management Support for Project Supervision and Quality Assurance of the National Single Window Implementation

The main objective of this assignment is to Management Support for Project Supervision and Quality Assurance of the National Single Window Implementation.

Funded by: Ministry of Finance and Economy

Traffic and Revenue Review of Embraport

Conducted a port traffic and revenue review of Embraport Container Terminal highlighting key findings and outlining any potential inadequacies in the existing studies and/or projections already in place by the Sponsors.

Funded by: Embraport Container Terminal/Global Insight

Technical Assistance for Structuring the Maritime and Port Agency in Cape Verde

Performed a streamline of the organizational, administrative and human resources management functions of the Agence Maritime et Portuaire (AMP) in view of improving its management and efficiency.

Funded by: National Coordination Unit of the Transport Sector Reform Project

Consulting Services for Retrenchment Study of Ports under Privatization

Led a micro-manpower study and assisted the government in implementing a staff down-sizing program prior to divestiture/concession into a PPP; prepared a time-bound action plan; and, developed personnel policies and incentive schemes based on labor, financial, and resource analyses.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Strategy and Financial Advisors on the Privatization of the two Main Ports of the Comoros Islands

IOS Principals conducted the privatization process of Moroni and Mutsamudu ports, the main ports of the country, in order to achieve reductions in port costs and corresponding user charges; improvements in vessel and container turnaround times; encouragement of greater investment in port infrastructure; improvements in labor arrangements and productivity; and, safe and environmentally friendly marine operations in the Comoros ports.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Privatization of the Ports, Telecom and Airport Infrastructure

IOS Principals advised on strategy development, transaction preparation, negotiation and drafting of documents related to the ports and airports privatization process.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Consultancy Services for Productivity Improvement Programme (Advocacy Campaign, Organizational Review and Labour Situation Assessment) at the Port of Mombasa, Kenya

Kenya Ports Authority (KPA), with funding from TradeMark East Africa (TMEA), undertook a project to improve capacity and productivity in the port sector through the preparation and implementation of a Productivity Improvement Plan (PIP). TMEA engaged IOS Partners to work on several components of the PIP, which included: i) an advocacy campaign to create awareness and buy-in of the PIP by the KPA and key port sector stakeholders, ii) provision of factual data through an Organization and Labor Assessment Study in order to provide a knowledge base which the KPA can use to diagnose and implement changes if necessary, and iii) Capacity Building and Training Needs Assessment Study in order to improve potential for human capital development within the KPA and Port of Mombasa workforce.

Funded by: Kenya Ports Authority/TradeMark East Africa

Program of Workshops on Risk Mitigation Needs and Solutions in Africa (Country: Tunisia, Kenya, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo, Senegal, Mozambique)

Led a series of workshops across Africa on financial tools available to engage the private sector and attract private sector financing on PPP and other projects.

Funded by: African Development Bank

Independent Review of AfDB’s Non-Sovereign Operations

IOS Partners conducted a “desk” review of the non-sovereign operations (NSO) portfolio and operational statistical data. The IOS team conducted comprehensive interviews with key stakeholders of the PSD/PSO Ecosystem, including with members of Senior Management and the Board of Directors, and evaluated the portfolio qualitatively and quantitatively.

Funded by: African Development Bank

Training on Introduction to Public-Private Partnerships

Conducted a training needs assessment and led training for government officials to introduce basic PPP concepts, approaches, methods, and techniques translated to the Azerbaijani context.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Assignment to Develop Simplified Procedures for Business Registration in Bolivia

Identified bottlenecks and unnecessary layers of procedures related to the registration of businesses and licensing in eight major municipalities in Bolivia and developed strategies and options to reduce and/or eliminate these processes in order to simplify the procedures for registering and licensing businesses.

Funded by: International Finance Corporation

Elaboration of the National Strategy for Private Sector Development

Developed a national strategy for encouraging private sector development, including the facilitation of public-private partnerships.

Funded by: Cameroon Privatization Commission

Study on the Impact of Privatization from 1993 to 2005

Performed a review and assessment of the impact of privatization in Cape Verde on the following sectors: utility, financial, transportation, manufacturing, hotels, food import and distribution, agribusiness/fishery, petroleum distribution, and construction.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Business Plan for the Development of a Sculpture Park

Conducted a feasibility analysis and evaluation of the client’s proposed sculpture park development plan, which included the operation of a museum. The main objective of this project was to determine the local demand for a sculpture park and to determine whether the proposed operation of the park was financially feasible without the need for external financing.

Funded by: Las Tierras de Espinal/ Garnier & Garnier

Potential Infrastructure PPPs

Developed a methodology to support the analysis and prioritization of PPP projects, developed a prioritized list of projects, and finalized a defined PPP pipeline for future implementation.

Funded by: World Bank Group

A Global Overview of the Emergence of Local / Regional Investors and Operators in Infrastructure Provision

Conducted a study on the global overview of the emergence of local / regional investors and operators in infrastructure provision .

Funded by: World Bank Group

PPP Curriculum Development and Training-the-Trainers

In association with eGen, assisted the Department of Economic Affairs in developing curriculum and content for courses aimed at enhancing core PPP skills among a diverse range of staff and training a cadre of trainers to teach the course content and curriculum.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Infrastructure Initiative Technical Advisory Services through the Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (IndII) Consultant Pool

Awarded an Indefinite Quantity Contract to deliver infrastructure project management, policy and regulatory reforms related to PPP, and infrastructure enhancement grants.

Funded by: SMEC International

Study on the Competitiveness of Enterprises in Ivory Coast

Analyzed and evaluated the current economic competitiveness of small and medium-size enterprises in relation to national and international competitors and developed a set of recommendations to help reduce the constraints the enterprises face and increase their capacity to enhance competitiveness (Unité de Coordination du Projet d’Appui à la Revitalisation et à la Gouvernance des PME.

Funded by: PARE-PME

In-House Consultancy Support and Capability Building Services for PPP Projects

Provided in-house consultancy support and capability building services to the Kuwait Partnerships Technical Bureau (PTB) for PPP projects. IOS’ mandate included the provision of financial advisory services relative to PTB’s current and future infrastructure PPP projects, including car parks, waste-to-energy, wastewater treatment plants and healthcare facilities.

Funded by: Formerly Booz and Co./ Partnerships Technical Bureau of Kuwait (Formerly Booz and Co./ Partnerships Technical Bureau of Kuwait (PTB)

Rural Telephony Component of the Second Project for Private Sector Development

Defined a strategy to improve communication services between Madagascar and the international community, as well as within Madagascar itself, while also promoting the development of new technologies.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Capacity Building for Financial Services Management for Kyrgyz Post Office

The main objective for this assignment was enhance the KPO’s capacity in the management of financial services, including further support in the setup of a business unit responsible for marketing management and business development, improving accessibility in providing financial services to the population and accountable for the achievement of the strategic objectives of KPO.

Funded by: Kyrgyz Pochtasy/World Bank Group

Consultancy for the Preparation of a National Development Plan for the Commonwealth of the Bahamas

Assisted in the initial stages of the preparation of a National Development Plan for the Government of the Bahamas, developed through an extensive consultative process with national stakeholders. The Plan will guide the development agenda for the nation over a 25-year period (2015-2040) with detailed milestones and targets for the first five years and indicative milestones and targets over subsequent five-year interval.

Funded by: Inter-American Development Bank

Industrias Oleaginosas SA Financing

Engaged to review and assess Industrias Olieaginosas SA structure, and its proposed expansion, from the point of view of its market, financial and management viability.

Funded by: OPEC Fund for International Development

Technical assistance in tender sale of state-owned enterprise “K T K” Visoko

Provided technical assistance in accelerating the privatization of the “K T K” enterprise in Visoko, Bosnia.

Funded by: Foundation for Sustainable Development of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Resident Advisor to the Burkina Faso government for the Restructuring and Privatization of State-Owned Enterprises

IOS Principals provided technical and transactional assistance related to the restructuring and divestiture of 44 state-owned enterprise including the textile enterprise, agricultural enterprises, construction companies, and printing companies, among others.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Postal Sector Assessment Study

IOS Partners was engaged by the Government of Cape Verde to develop a strategy for the postal sector in Cape Verde. The main objective of this assignment was to present a “Business Plan” for the liberalization of the postal marke

Funded by: ARME – Multi-sectoral Economy Regulatory Agency

Consultancy Services for Restructuring the Postal Services Project

The overall aim of this assignment is to assist MTT in the transformation of BP to be an independent and self-sustaining entity without reliance on government financial support.

Funded by: Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications (MTT)

Business Developer Services for the Process Reform of the National Glass Industry, CxA

Advised on the forward market strategy with potential strategic partners and business tenants for the national glass manufacturer, CxA.

Funded by: IADB / Commission on Public Enterprise Reform

Services for Business Promoter for the reform process of the National Paper Industry, CXA

The project’s goal was to advise the Commission on the forward market strategy with potential strategic partners and business tenants(FAVIDRIO) and Paper Factory (INDUSPAPEL).

Funded by: IADB / Commission on Public Enterprise Reform

Technical Assistance on the Restructuring/Reform of the Postal Sector and Concession of the Official Postal Service

Provided postal sector/privatization advisory services to the Government of Ecuador’s Privatization Unit for the official postal service concession.

Funded by: Consejo Nacional de Modernización del Estado Unidad de Infraestructura

Technical Assistance for Relief and Restructuring Efforts in Haiti – Organizational and operational diagnostic of 7 ministries

The diagnostic addressed the following aspects: corporate governance, mission and objectives, management, procurement procedures, human resource management, financial management, information technology, infrastructure and resources of 7 ministries.

Funded by: Ministry of Economy and Finance – Bureau du Management et des Ressources Humaines (OMRH)/Inter-American Development Bank

Institutional Strengthening Plan of the Economic and Social Assistance Fund (FAES) – Consulting Services: Audit and Policy, Procedures and Computerized Management Systems Development

IOS Partners, Inc. was hired to review and analyze the management, services and units, procedures, processes, systems, relevant documentation about its programs and projects in order to get an overall understanding of processes and FAES systems.

Funded by:
Economic and Social Assistance Fund /
Inter-American Development Bank

Consulting Services for the Privatization of the State-Owned Official Postal Corporation

Served as technical, legal and financial advisors in the privatization process of the postal service, HONDUCOR

Funded by: Comision Presidencial de Modernizacion del Estado

USAID Economic Reform Project – Development and Implementation of a Corporate Business Register

Provided the services of our IOSsoft, Inc’s senior staff to develop and implement a central web-based Intranet application and a public Internet website for computerizing the Central Business Register of the Republic of Iraq.

Funded by: Central Business Register

Financial and Strategic Advice for the Privatization of 44 Key Enterprises

Supervised the privatization of 44 key state-owned enterprises.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Restructuring and private sector participation in the Postal Savings Bank of Madagascar

IOS Partners, Inc. participated as a sub to Chemonics Undertook an in-depth diagnostic assessment of the postal sector and proposed restructuring and privatization options for the Postal Savings Bank of Madagascar.

Funded by: Postal Savings Bank in Madagascar

Civil Aviation Legal Framework

The overarching purpose of the project was to work closely with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and the Ministry of Tourism and Transport of Cape Verde, and other relevant stakeholders in the assessment and relevant adjustment of the civil aviation legal framework in view of making it responsive to the present and future challenges of air transport development. Included an assessment of the legal and regulatory frameworks for airport PPPs.

Funded by: World Bank Group,TSRP

Business Plan for the Development of a Sculpture Park

Conducted a feasibility analysis and evaluation of the client’s proposed sculpture park development plan, which included the operation of a museum. The main objective of this project was to determine the local demand for a sculpture park and to determine whether the proposed operation of the park was financially feasible without the need for external financing.

Funded by: Las Tierras de Espinal/ Garnier & Garnier

Market Study to determine the potential for development at El Viejo

Identified potential concepts for development, by studying the market and thinking on new ideas, out of the box, with the ultimate end of developing an innovative project, in line with the values of sustainability and social responsibility that characterize the company of El Viejo. Our team conducted a resource analysis, a strength and weakness analysis, a preliminary identification of concepts, a market study, a resource/demand matching, and elaborated a proposal for development.

Funded by: Las Tierras de Espinal/ Garnier & Garnier

Route Development of International Air Services, Phases I-II-III

Provided successful consulting services for the Costa Rican Ministry of Tourism, in 3 phases, including analyzing new markets in terms of international passengers/tourists that have visited Costa Rica, and consequently defining a strategy for new international routes – or new frequencies of existing routes – that will increase the arrival of international passengers/tourists to the country.

Funded by: Ministry of Tourism

Air Connectivity Investment Analytics In support of Fiji: Development for Post-Tourism recovery project

IOS Partners was engaged by the World Bank to conduct an air connectivity assessment for Vanua Levu and to identify and assess opportunities to improve domestic air connectivity; identify and analyze potential sites for the introduction of international air services to Vanua Levu; and present options for the financing, operation and maintenance of airport assets, including potential roles for the private sector.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Aviation Sector Strategy

The objective of this project was prepare a comprehensive ‘strategic’ plan to guide the development of Solomon Islands’ air transportation sector. This strategic’ plan included a thorough analysis of the impact and interrelations with other key sectors (e.g., tourism, maritime, disaster response, etc.) and environmental/social impacts. The strategy aligned with the NDS 2016-2035, the National Transport Plan

Funded by: Ministry of Communication and Aviation and the Ministry of Infrastructure Development

Consulting Services for the Feasibility Study and Design for Implementing Afghanistan National Single Window (ANSW) and For Preparing Afghanistan Trade Information Portal (ATIP)

Supported the preparation and design of the governance and operational models for the Afghanistan National Single Window (ANSW) and the Afghanistan Trade Information Portal (ATIP) that forms a key reference site for all trade related legal and regulatory requirements, with a focus on identifying the ANSW’s main business functions, underlying processes, ICT architecture, and functional and technical requirements.

Funded by: Afghanistan Customs Department/Ministry of Finance

Leveraging Digital Technology for Improving the Business Climate in Belize

Implemented a technological solution to integrate multiple systems from different institutions with the aim to improve data sharing and automatizing processes. In a nutshell, IOS conducted a process mapping, needs assessment, designed a secure and high-performance integration solution, and provided maintenance and support subsequent to the deployment of the technological solution.

Funded by: Inter-American Development Bank

Framework for the Establishment and Implementation of the Regime for Free Circulation of Goods within the OECS

IOS’s Director of IT reviewed the current Information Communication Technology infrastructure in the area of trade in the OECS Member States. Developed a proposal for, inter alia, establishing a Regional Customs Information System (RCIS) and improving connectivity between customs and other regulatory border agencies across the OECS Economic Union.

Funded by: OECS Economic Union

Regional Central American Project to Support the Implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreements (Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala)

Provided technical assistance to the World Bank Group’s Trade & Competitiveness Global Practice in the preparation of a comprehensive legal gap analysis and recommendations that will (i) identify and describe gaps in the CAUCA and RECAUCA to align with the TFA and other best practice conventions and standards and of the main free trade agreements signed by Central America, (ii) recommend the actions and proposed revised changes to legislation and regulation required to address the gaps. (iii) IOS Partners will support activities at the regional and national levels (workshops and meetings).

Funded by: World Bank Group

Strengthening Trade Policy in Colombia: Design a System for Simultaneous Physical Inspection – Imports

Established an efficient procedure for simultaneous inspection on the import regime that allowed its automation by means of an electronic simultaneous inspection module, VUCE, for all cargo being imported via ports, airports and border crossings.

Funded by: Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Tourism/Inter-American Development Bank

Electronic Invoice Registry Architecture and Design Firm

Conducted diagnostics of the current situation and devised an efficient system to exchange information between the different authorities involved in the inspection process.

Funded by: Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Tourism IFC

Transaction Advisory Services of the Special Economic Zone of Maluku – Consultancy service (Firm)

Provided Transaction Advisory Services for the development and operation of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Maluku, Democratic Republic of Congo, as a subcontractor, in assisting the CFEF and the DRC Government with the recruitment of a private operator most suited for the development of infrastructure within the Maluku SEZ and the management of the zone’s operations.- The steps for this project included the update of the demand study, counting the collection and review of studies, reports, and existent data; consultations with stakeholders; identification of Maluku site’s comparative advantages; and the assessment of the industry sector’s potential for the Maluku site. Our team also identified and implemented preliminary steps to the PPP and assisted with the selection of a developer and the implementation of this PPP.

Funded by: World Bank Group & CFEF

CAFTA-DR Regional Trade Program (CRT) USAID

One-Stop-Shop Development – E-government – Hired as a subcontractor to Chemonics, IOS Principals assisted the Salvadoran Customs Directorate (DGA) and the Technical Secretariat of the Presidency (STP) to develop an automated “One-Stop-Shop” portal to fully integrate the governmental processes required for the importation and exportation of goods in El Salvador in order to achieve compliance with the conditions of Chapters 4 and 5 of CAFTA-D.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

CAFTA Promotion Project – USAID

Under contract to Booz Allen, IOS’s Director of IT participated in developing a One Stop Shop or “Ventanilla Unica Virtual” (eCNR) under a Service Oriented Architecture, using open source tool for the Centro Nacional de Registros.

Funded by: CNR/The United States Agency for International Development

Technical Assistance for the Northern Zone Trade Facilitation Portal Project in El Salvador

Assisted the Salvadorian Foundation for Economic and Social Development and the National Investment Promotion Agency of El Salvador to develop an investment promotion web portal and organized roundtables to facilitate trade and investment promotion in the northern region of El Salvador.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Technical services to develop a multisectoral investment promotion campaign

The purpose of this assignment was to provide a suitable audience of potential investors to PROESA through targeting and lead generation, so that they can present the opportunities offered by the country and its favorable conditions for the attraction of Foreign Direct Investment in the prioritized sectors and opportunities, positioning the country as an attractive destination for their investments.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Business Services to Develop the Design of an Effective and Efficient Institutional Structure for the Facilitation and Promotion of the Investments

The overall project objective was to “design an effective, efficient, articulated and coordinated institutional structure for the investment promotion and facilitation process in El Salvador by obtaining a clear vision of the operation of the investment facilitation and promotion process based on current regulations, laws and institutional practice.

Funded by: Palladium International LLC/The United States Agency for International Development

Consulting Services for the Technical Support to Modernize the Moveable Collateral Registry in Guyana

IOS experts provided consulting services to modernize Guyana’s electronic registry by establishing a web-based registry for notices of secured transactions of moveable assets that are accessible to all users and allow for the registration of notices as well as searching for existing notices of secured transactions.

Funded by: Inter-American Development Bank

Consulting Services for Review and Re-Design of Go-Invest Trade and Investment Framework

Provided leadership and technical inputs to facilitate the re-design of the export and investment framework, including taking overall responsibility for the submission of reports.

Funded by: Ministry of Business of Guyana

Assessment of National Single Window (NSW) for Jordan Customs Department

Provided USAID/Jordan Mission with an assessment of JCD’s capacity for implementing the first stage of the National Single Windows (NSW). The assessment looked into JCD’s human capital, technical knowledge for successful implementation of single window programs, and sustainability measures that will ensure continuation of the NSW after USAID assistance.

Funded by: COP with MSI/The United States Agency for International Development

Feasibility Study for the Tripoli SEZ

As a sub-contractor to Sibley International, conducted a demand forecast, assisted in developing a comprehensive, best‐practice Master Plan, conducted a marketing study and promotion strategy, prepared financial models with varying degrees of government financial participation, led the PPP contractual strategy and developed RFP tender documents, facilitated relationships between local and international stakeholders, and determined legal steps required to secure a private operator for the development of a Special Economic Zone in Tripoli.

Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development

Development of the National Investment Promotion Strategy

Provided the Lesotho National Development Corporation with a solid strategy to strengthen investment promotion services and to attract more foreign direct investment to the country, and created a five year investment promotion strategy and cost action plan analyzing the target sectors and countries that Lesotho has potential to attract foreign investments from as well as the constraints that are currently holding investors back.

Funded by: (Ministry of Trade and Industry, Cooperatives and Marketing

Development of an Investor Tracking Solution (ITS)

Developed and implemented an Investor Tracking Solution (ITS), including delivery of the training sessions in order to better track investments and have access to information to attract further investment opportunities.

Funded by: Ministry of Trade and Industry, Cooperatives and Marketing

Lead Economic Development Advisor to the Lesotho National Development Corporation

IOS Principals were hired to implement the diversification strategy and to facilitate the missing linkages between the foreign-owned firms and the local economy, ultimately aiming to improve the capacity of local businesses and potentially build a pipeline of domestic service providers opening new markets for local businesses.

Funded by: Ministry of Trade and Industry, Cooperatives and Marketing, LNDC

Provision of Technical Assistance to the AZES

IOS Partners, Inc, provided legal support and assistance to the Fragile States Finance Implementation Unit (Cellule d’exécution des financements en faveur des Etats fragiles or CFEF), acting as the mediator between all parties during the negotiations.

Funded by: The Funding Execution Unit for Fragile States

Integrated Financial Management System

Funded by: Free Balance

Capacity Building and Early-Stage Project Identification and Screening Services for Public-Private Partnerships

Assisted the home office and country partners with (a) building capacity for identifying, conducting due diligence, preparing and executing PPPs, including using projects/structured financing approaches and viability gap funding in the capital structure of PPP projects; and (b) identify, screen and assess early stage potential PPP transaction opportunities involving different types of contractual structures, such as Concession, Availability, Lease/Affermage, and rehabilitate-Operate-Transfer PPPS, as well as Performance-based Operations and Maintenance Contracts, and Output-based Aid.

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Task Order 1.1 – United States of America/USA/PPP Capacity Building-Training

Developed training materials, workshops, and practical knowledge products for specific sectors that can assist MCC and its partner countries to improve the enabling environment for PPPs as well as to identify, prepare, develop, structure, tender, award and implement PPP transactions.

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Task Order 1.2 – PPP Operating Guidance

Identified projects with strong PPP potential including input into the Investment Opportunity Process and helping MCC to co-create with its partner countries preliminary concept notes/papers for potential MCC funding with a view to establish an initial notional “Business Case” for delivering the project through a PPP contract mechanism, and establish budgets for subsequent project preparation and execution.

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Task Order 2.1 – Central America’s Northern Triangle – Review of Proposal for Strengthening PPP Capacity

Performed a review of the Proposal for Strengthening PPP Capacity in Central America’s Northern Triangle and provided a desk review and recommendations for improvement. IOS identified gaps in capacity building missing in the proposal, provided suggestions on what other donors might include in RFPs and improved the project road map.

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Task Order 2.3 – Honduras – Review of Proposal for Management Contract for Electricity Distribution

Conducted a comprehensive review of Threshold Program grant agreements documentation, designed to bring potential Public Private Partnerships to market in the electricity sector, between MCC and the Government of Honduras.

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Task Order 2.4 – Ghana – Transaction Advisory Services for Private Sector Participation in Electricity Distribution in Ghana –

Proposal Review – Performed a review of proposed contractual arrangements between the Government of Ghana acting through MiDA and IFC to determine price reasonableness, terms, structure, and alternative procurement of transaction advisory options for long-term concession agreement for electricity distribution between the Government and a Private Sector Provider.

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Task Order 2.5 – El Salvador – Project Pipeline Screening of Potential PPPs

Supported the Government of El Salvador in preliminary screening assessment of projects in order to develop a pipeline of feasible PPP Projects. The results of this assessment helped inform the GoES and the MCC on which projects to prioritize for further development as PPPs .

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Task Order 2.6 – Morocco – Industrial Activity

Assisted MCC and the Government of Morocco in hiring transaction advisors that implemented potentially viable PPP projects, by providing reviews and recommendations of specific documents for the transaction advisor, in order to ensure that all key tasks were included and clearly described for the role necessary. IOS Partners identified major risks and proposed mitigants and made recommendations on how best to market the transaction advisor opportunity when launched by MCA-Morocco.

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Task Order 2.7 – Nepal – MCC Task Order

Reviewed the country’s situation while identifying issues and problems relevant to the delivery of projects through PPP modalities, and identified the next stages of project development with the objective of bringing PPPs to market

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Task Order 2.8 – Côte d’Ivoire – PPP Institutional Framework and Capacity Assessment and PPP Project Pipeline Screening –

Conducted a rapid assessment of the PPP enabling environment in Côte d’Ivoire before the Contractor assisted MCC to screen, scope and assess potential PPP projects for consideration in a compact program.

Funded by: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Framework Contract Services for the Implementation of External Aid (SIEA) 2018

Formed part of a leading global consortium to provide economic, financial, technical and legal experts on Finance Products and Structures, Financial Markets, Policy and Institutional Reforms. Implemented a task order to inform the design of the Joint European Union/European Investment Bank (EU-EIB) “blending operation” aimed at supporting the sustainable commercialization of Zambia’s smallholder farmers towards increased productivity, incomes, commercial viability and prospects for employment generation.

Funded by: DT-Global

Strengthening PPPs in the Philippines

Provided services to the PPP Center for the project preparation and transaction support of PPP infrastructure projects such as highways/expressways, airports, health facilities, education facilities, railways and ports.

Funded by: Asian Development Bank

Indefinite Delivery Contracts for the Panel of Transaction Advisory Services Consultants for PPP Projects

Funded by: Ministry of Economy and Finance Government Kingdom of Cambodia

Framework Contract for the Assessment of Large Projects

IOS Partners, Inc. has been awarded a framework contract by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to provide specialized consulting services in the planning and management of large infrastructure projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Funded by: Inter-American Development Bank

Regional PPP Upstream Program for the Development of New Generation PPP Projects in LAC

Provide support in the development of regulatory frameworks and the structuring of projects under the public-private partnership (PPP) mechanism in the Latin America and Caribbean Region.

Funded by: Inter-American Development Bank

IMO State Airline

Assisted in the preparation, planning and launching of IMO State Airlines.

Funded by: WOOLSEY Holdings Limited

SEGUIR -Regional-participating as a subcontractor to Sibley International

Funded by: Sibley International

MCC Blanket Purchase Agreement – Department of Policy & Evaluation and the Department of Compact Operations –Regional Participating as a subcontractor to Grant Thornton

Funded by: Grant Thornton

Architect Engineer Infrastructure Services- participating as a subcontractor to MWH

Provide broad technical support and advice to participating host government entities and regulatory bodies in overall institutional and infrastructure development including, but not limited to, policy, legal, regulatory, financial and commercial development and reform, feasibility studies, design and construction supervision, equipment and commodities provision, human resource development and training, operations and maintenance improvements, and private sector participation.

Funded by: MWH

FORECAST II – Enhancing Capacity Across Sectors in Transition II – Participant Training – Participating as a subcontractor to MBC360

Funded by: MBC360

Making Cities Work (former HABITAT)

Participating as a subcontractor to DIG on the small business set aside and as a subcontractor to Deloitte on the full and open contract-Inactive/DIG/Deloitte

Funded by: DIG

Technical Assistance to the East African Community Competition Authority (EACCA)

The objective of this consultancy is to contribute towards fostering competitive markets that enable inclusive economic integration in the East African Community. This will be done by providing technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of the EACCA in order to fulfil its mandate as an institution and effectively implement EAC regional competition policy.

Funded by: European Union, represented by the European Commission, Directorate- General for International Partnerships / IBF Impact.

Upgrade of the Local Governments Portal to focus on a citizen-centric approach

The primary goal of this project is to consolidate, strengthen, and upgrade the existing local government portal, ensuring the continuity of services with a focus on maintenance and security.

Funded by: World Bank Group

Legislative Reform Proposal for the Bahamas Moveable Collateral Registry

Information and Communication Technology for Development

Funded by: Central Bank of The Bahamas

Support consultancy in the diagnosis and structuring of the Viamão Hospital PPP Project in the State of Rio Grande do Sul

IOS Partners was engaged by the Inter-American Development Bank to carry out all activities necessary for the diagnosis and structuring a PPP project for a new Hospital in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, under the Administrative Concession modality.

Funded by: Inter-American Development Bank

Consultancy to Support the Identification of NCMs in CARICOM Countries

Trade and investment service

Funded by:

Technical Assistance for the Government Digital Services

Digitalization of different government services for the government of Maldives

Funded by: USTDA