IOS has successfully managed over 300 projects spanning 120 countries in oftentimes challenging programs and difficult environments.

Our portfolio encompasses engagements over a twenty-year period. We have worked with multiple US Government agencies and many other multi- and bilateral institutions, delivering demonstrable results. IOS’s focus has been eradicating poverty, developing strong communities, and transforming lives through inclusive economic empowerment and good governance.

While providing country-specific solutions, IOS Partners is a distinctively international consulting firm in structure, personnel, and experience. Headquartered in The United States, IOS has multiple offices worldwide and full-time staff representing over twenty distinct nationalities and speaking at least twelve languages with native fluency. We also maintain a well-established and broad-based partnership with specialized professionals and associate firms in well over one hundred countries, as well as an enviable record of affirmatively identifying and partnering with local firms and individuals for meaningful project implementation and sustainable solutions.

Our project management team has a keen familiarity with US Government contracts and
can effectively manage implementation of these assignments.

Highlighted Projects

Latin America & the Caribbean ICT Desk Studies

The overall goal of this assignment is to undertake desk studies to support USTDA in its decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support the information and communications technology (“ICT”) sector in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region.

Desk Study Series for Indo-Pacific Aviation Sector Opportunities

Support USTDA decision-making and provide Project Reports for up to six (6) activities for USTDA funding Consideration

Bahia Statewide Airport Modernization Project

Carried out a feasibility study to determine near and longer-term improvements at the Feira de Santana Airport. Prepared a Statewide Program of needed improvements and priorities to develop night operations at airports, including communications and navigation improvements, in accordance with international and Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC – the Brazilian agency responsible for the regulation and the safety oversight of civil aviation) safety norms and air traffic levels.

Technical Assistance for Cold Storage of Palm Dates

Conducted a comprehensive study to identify the specific needs of and feasibility for date cold storage and associated postharvest handling infrastructure, including value-added product agro-processing facilities that would help reduce the losses in quantity and quality of dates in Morocco.

Technical Assistance Cold Chain Storage for Fisheries

Identified the specific needs of cold storage infrastructure and facilities to reduce losses in the fish catch and increased the added value in the fish chain in Morocco in order to boost the development of cold chain in the fishery sector with focus on coastal and artisanal fleet.

Capacity Building and Early-Stage Project Identification and Screening Services for Public-Private Partnerships

Served as an exclusive global contractor to assist the home office and country partners with (a) building capacity for identifying, conducting due diligence, preparing and executing PPPs, including using projects/structured financing approaches and viability gap funding in the capital structure of PPP projects; and (b) identify, screen and assess early stage potential PPP transaction opportunities involving different types of contractual structures, such as Concession, Availability, Lease/Affermage, and rehabilitate-Operate-Transfer PPPS, as well as Performance-based Operations and Maintenance Contracts, and Output-based Aid.

Bamako-Sénou Airport and Industrial Park Project Assessment and Development Services Phase I & II

Assisted in the preparation of feasibility design studies for the proposed landside infrastructure improvements, including an assessment of existing conditions for preparation of the industrial park institutional framework

Final Evaluation of the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s (MCC) Morocco Project for Artisanal Fisheries

Conducted an evaluation of the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s (through the Millennium Challenge Account - MCA) Artisanal Fisheries Project to assess the relevancy, efficiency, performance, effects, impacts and durability of the Project. Our Team identified the strengths and weaknesses of the fishing sector, established the quality and cost of the improvements and developed recommendations for the Project optimization and sustainability

Impact Evaluation and Quantitative Population-Based Surveys for USAID/Mali’s Feed the Future (FTF) Cereal Value Chain (CVC) Activity

Engaged on a multi-year activity as a prime contractor to conduct an evaluation of the USAID/Mali’s Feed the Future (FTF) Cereal Value Chain (CVC) Activity. The evaluation aimed to capture the value of USAID investments in Mali and assess the effectiveness of USAID’s value chain approach as a driver of inclusive economic development, allowing for more effective resource allocation and management decisions. IOS Partners designed and implemented quantitative surveys for over 5,500 households and collected qualitative data from key informants and focus groups. Conducted statistically representative population-based surveys, including baseline and mid-term data surveys for key FTF high-level indicators related to Household Economic Status, Women’s Empowerment, Hunger and Dietary Intake, as well as the resilience indicator ‘depth of poverty’ in the Zone of Influence. Introduced the OH methodology to CVC management and M&E staff. This novel approach generated outcomes information on target communities and various stakeholders that complemented CVC’s required indicators.

Bosnia & Herzegovina E-Governance Activity

The purpose of this activity is to support initiatives to increase transparency and decrease corruption in targeted government-led processes, which include interactions between public officials and potential investors, local businesses, and citizen. IOS Team was responsible for the development of for e-construction permitting system in 5 selected municipalities in FBiH and RS and the development of e-social integrated registries of social benefits and beneficiaries for the RS and FBiH.

Feasibility Study for the Tripoli SEZ

As a sub-contractor to Sibley International, conducted a demand forecast, assisted in developing a comprehensive, best‐practice Master Plan, conducted a marketing study and promotion strategy, prepared financial models with varying degrees of government financial participation, led the PPP contractual strategy and developed RFP tender documents, facilitated relationships between local and international stakeholders, and determined legal steps required to secure a private operator for the development of a Special Economic Zone in Tripoli.

Mid-Term Evaluation of USAID Senegal’s IRG Managed Economic Growth Program

Assessed and evaluated the progress made by International Resources Group to date in order to identify areas for improvements in the Economic Growth Program, including business development services, PPP and policy reforms. Recommended needed corrective actions to facilitate the attainment of the planned results.

Consultancy Services for Development of the Port Community System

The main objective of this consultancy is to lay the foundation for the development of the maritime PCS. It will require development of the ‘Business Requirements Specification’ (BRS) to document business requirements for Customs and relevant stakeholders as well as the PCS core processes including the PCS registration scheme, e-payments, integration with the NSW system (under development), the Customs WeBOC system, trade regulators, ports, and other stakeholders.
Technical Services to update the sectoral studies, as well as to develop a proposal for a financial incentive plan to position El Salvador as an ideal place for the establishment of new foreign investment projects.

Technical services to develop a multisectoral investment promotion campaign

To provide a suitable audience of potential investors to PROESA through targeting and lead generation, so that they can present the opportunities offered by the country and its favorable conditions for the attraction of Foreign Direct Investment in the prioritized sectors and opportunities, positioning the country as an attractive destination for their investments.

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