Blue Economy
Since its inception in 1999, IOS Partners has actively sought to advance sustainability in its projects to help countries benefit from their marine resources while preventing the degradation of the oceans’ natural capital. IOS Partners has extensive experience working across the Blue Economy related sectors, including Fisheries and Aquaculture, Ports & Maritime, Sustainable Tourism, Trade & Investment, Infrastructure.
We also have abundant experience working in coastal countries and (Small) Island Developing States, including the wider Caribbean, the Pacific Islands, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and coastal areas of the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Gulf of Guinea, among others.

IOS Partners is dedicated to using its extensive experience to promote sustainable Blue Economy practices and actively seeks to contribute to the overall development of the Blue Economy around the world, in line with the SDG14 of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.
IOS Partners has implemented numerous successful projects in the following areas:

- Sustainable tourism master & business planning
- Cruise line tourism planning
- Destination promotion & market strategies
- Rebranding
- Value chain analysis and enhancement
- Parks & protected area planning
- Green management strategies & audits
- Tour product development & packaging
- Tourism training & certification
- Quality grading program

- Value chain analysis and enhancement
- Technical, socio-economic, and financial feasibility studies
- Food security
- Cold chain & cold storage development
- Trade, export & investment promotion
- Environmental & social impact assessments
- Sanitary and phyto-sanitary compliance

- Port master planning and sector strategy development
- Port privatization strategies
- Port productivity improvement
- Traffic & revenue analysis
- IT solutions
- Maritime authority development and restructuring
- Legal, regulatory and policy framework development
Highlighted projects
Feasibility study for the establishment of a sea cucumber hatchery in Ambanja
Within the framework of the Second Fisheries Governance and Shared Growth Project of the Southwest Indian Ocean (SWIOFish2), the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MAEP) wishes to set up a sea cucumber hatchery in the rural commune of Ampapamena, Ambanja district, DIANA region. In collaboration with Indian Ocean Trepang (IOT), IOS Partners is carrying out the technical, socio-economic, and financial feasibility studies for the project to set up a sea cucumber hatchery/nursery on the site selected by the MAEP (World Bank/MAEP)
Consultancy Services for Development of the Port Community System
The main objective of this consultancy is to lay the foundation for the development of the maritime PCS. It will require development of the ‘Business Requirements Specification’ (BRS) to document business requirements for Customs and relevant stakeholders as well as the PCS core processes including the PCS registration scheme, e-payments, integration with the NSW system (under development), the Customs WeBOC system, trade regulators, ports, and other stakeholders.
Monitoring and Evaluation Morocco Fisheries
Served as an Independent Evaluator for two activities under the Small-Scale Fisheries Project of the first Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) Compact in Morocco: The Fish Landing Sites and Port Facilities Activity and the Development of a Wholesale Fish Markets activity. The evaluation services covered review of the MCC Evaluation Plan, preparation of Evaluation Design, and collection and analysis of baseline data.
Micronesia, Fed. St
Review of Institutional and Governance Arrangements for Port Management
IOS Partners is currently assessing how the maritime sectors is governed and identify measures to improve and streamline port management in the FSM to ensure sustainability.
Saint Vincent and The Grenadines
OECS Regional Tourism Competitiveness Project
IOS Partners has been engaged to develop a comprehensive and practical Tourism Master Plan that will guide the sustainable socio-economic development of tourism in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. This Tourism Master Plan will serve to strategically propel the growth of the tourism thus enabling the island nation to be a competitive force amidst constant regional and global changes, demands and trends
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We appreciate IOS Partners responsiveness, professionalism and technical expertise. The Consultant produced professional and well-structured reports as per the terms of reference.
“The Consultant carried out the project on budget, and to the utmost satisfaction of the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Project Coordination Unit of Transport Sector Reform. The Consultant demonstrated professionalism and dedication to the project, allocating the resources needed, particularly with the revised TaR. The Ministry of Maritime Economy recommend IOS Partners Inc. without any hesitation. ”
“The Institute Agronomique et Veterinaire (IAV) is highly satisfied its collaboration IOS Partners in date, palm and fisheries projects financed by USTDA the Government of Morocco. The impact of these studies conducted over the past two is of great importance the well-being of the population of the country and overalloverall, a good contribution the development of the economy of Morocco. We are looking long-lasting, fruitful collaboration between our two institutions in both Morocco and abroad.”