Ports & Maritime
Coastal & Maritime planning and design, marine structures & coastal engineering
IOS Partners Ports and maritime division has worldwide experience in coastal and maritime infrastructure engineering and also provides a broad range of services to the ports and maritime sector.
Our multidimensional team of experienced engineers, economists, PPP experts scientists and planners apply cutting edge technologies related to port efficiency, navigation, shipping operations, cargo handling equipment, small craft operations, coastal processes and coastal protection on all port and marine projects.
Our most recent successful projects have been in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Eastern Europe.
- Port Master Planning and sector strategy development
- Port privatization strategies
- Sector governance reforms
- Maritime authority development and restructuring
- Organizational and institutional restructuring
- Port productivity improvement
- Legal, regulatory and policy framework development
- Communication campaigns
- Traffic and revenue analysis
- Financial and operational audits
- Cost accounting
- Maritime safety and administration training and capacity building
- Marketing studies
- Information technology solutions
- Environmental and social assessments
Highlighted projects
Caribbean Regional
Gap Analysis for National Maritime Single Window Development and Design of Regional Maritime Single Window
The objective of this consultancy is to produce a gap analysis for achieving full implementation of National Maritime Single Windows (MSW) in three countries and to design a Regional Maritime Single Window (RMSW) for the Caribbean
Consultancy Services for Development of the Port Community System
The main objective of this consultancy is to lay the foundation for the development of the maritime PCS. It will require development of the ‘Business Requirements Specification’ (BRS) to document business requirements for Customs and relevant stakeholders as well as the PCS core processes including the PCS registration scheme, e-payments, integration with the NSW system (under development), the Customs WeBOC system, trade regulators, ports, and other stakeholders.
Consultancy Services for Productivity Improvement Programme (Advocacy Campaign, Organizational Review and Labour Situation Assessment) at the Port of Mombasa, Kenya
Kenya Ports Authority (KPA), with funding from TradeMark East Africa (TMEA), undertook a project to improve capacity and productivity in the port sector through the preparation and implementation of a Productivity Improvement Plan (PIP). IOS Partners worked on several components of the PIP.
Consultancy Services for Conducting a Study on Ports Efficiency and Competitiveness in Africa
Provided strategic guidance on the port efficiency and competitiveness, made the maritime sector in Africa even more performing and visible, provided strengthening and new logistics organization in Africa, and proposed solutions relating to the efficiency and competitiveness of African ports
PPP Options for the Port of Malé Expansion
Conducted a feasibility study for the expansion and modernization of the Port of Malé, specifically assisting the government in determining a new location, selecting an appropriate PPP contract structure, recommending legislative and regulatory reforms to address gaps, assessing the private sector’s appetite, and improving throughput capacity
Interisland Shipping Support Project - Establishment of the Maritime Safety Administration
Assisted the government to improve the condition of maritime infrastructure, service provision and safety through the establishment of the Vanuatu Maritime Safety Administration (VMSA)

Senior Consultant, Ports and Maritime
Captain Roy Facey has over 30 years of experience in shipping and cargo handling, port design and development for both large and small commercial ports. He has been involved in the development of port and shipyard master plans, feasibility studies, preparation of tender documents for concession projects, and assessments of dredging requirements and methods.
He has carried out consultancy assignments in port design, port and shipping operations in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Eastern Europe. Many of his assignments required assessments of regional shipping routes, improvements to port approaches and port capacities to handle various types of cargo, project viability and analyses of port tariff structures and rates. Captain Facey holds a MSc. in Offshore Technology and Marine Structures and a BS of Engineering in Maritime Studies. He speaks English, French, Spanish and Arabic.